Публикации, издадени през 2007 год.
Монографии и сборници
1. “Numerical Methods and Applications”, T. Boyanov, S. Dimova, K. Georgiev, G. Nikolov (Eds.),
LNCS 4310, Springer, 2007.
2. Ivan Dimov, Monte Carlo Methods for Applied Scientists, World Scientific, New Jersey, London,
Singapore, (2008), 291p.
3. Папанчева, Р. Избрани теми от методиката на обучение по математика. Димант,
Бургас, 2007 г.
Научни публикации в международни списания и поредици
1. P. Csomos, I.T. Dimov, I. Farago, A. Havasi, Tz. Ostromsky, Computational Complexity of
Weighted Splitting Schemes on Parallel Computers, International Journal of Parallel, Emergent
and Distributed Systems, Vol. 22, Issue 3 (2007), 137–147.
2. I. Dimov., V. Alexandrov, R. Papancheva, and C. Weihrauch, Monte Carlo Numerical Treatment
of Large Linear Algebra Problems, Computational Science - ICCS 2007, LNCS 4487, Springer,
(2007), 747–754.
3. I.T. Dimov, E. Atanassov, Exact Error Estimates and Optimal Randomized Algorithms for
Integration, Numerical Methods and Applications, LNCS 4310, Springer, (2007), 131–139.
4. I. Dimov, and R. Georgieva, Complexity of Monte Carlo Algorithms for a Class of Integral
Equations, Computational Science - ICCS 2007, LNCS 4487, Springer, (2007), 731–738.
5. I. T. Dimov, A. A. Penzov, and S. S. Stoilova, Parallel Monte Carlo Sampling Scheme for Sphere
and Hemisphere, Numerical Methods and Applications, LNCS 4310, Springer, (2007), 148–155.
6. I. T. Dimov, A. A. Penzov, and S. S. Stoilova, Parallel Monte Carlo Approach for Integration of
the Rendering Equation, Numerical Methods and Applications, LNCS 4310, Springer, (2007),
7. A. Ebel, K. Georgiev, Z. Zlatev, Environmental modelling for security: future needs and
development of computer netwoeking, numerics and algorithms, NATO Science, Series 2.
Environmental Security, “Air, water and soil quality modelling for risk and impact assessment”,
Springer, (2007), 351–356.
8. S. Fidanova, Hybride Heuristic Algorithm for GPS Surveying Problem, Numerical Methods and
Applications, LNCS 4310, Springer, (2007), 239–248.
9. S. Fidanova, An Heuristic Method for GPS Surveying Problem, Computational Science- ICCS
2007, LNCS 4490, Springer, (2007), 1084–1090.
10. S. Fidanova, Neat- Native Protein Structure Simulation, J. of Bioautomation Vol. 7, (2007), 57–
11. K. Georgiev, On an implementation of on the TM5 global model on a cluster of workstations,
Numerical Methods and Applications, LNCS 4310, Springer, (2007), 451–457.
12. K. Georgiev, I. Lirkov, N. Kosturski, S. Margenov, On the computer simulation of heat and mass
transfer in vacuum freeze-drying, Proc. of Multiconference on Computer Science and
Information Technology, Wisla, Poland, Vol. 2, (2007), 493–502.
13. K. Georgiev, Model studies of sulfate and sulfur dioxide in the Atmosphere and some
comparisons with measurements, NATO Science for Peace and Security Series, D: Information
and Communication Security, Vol. 12, (2007), 231–239.
14. T. Gurov, E. Atanassov and S. Ivanovska, A Hybrid Monte Carlo Method for Simulation of
Quantum Transport, Numerical Methods and Applications, LNCS 4310, Springer, (2007), 156-
15. T. Gurov, E. Atanasov, M. Nedjalkov, and I. Dimov, Modeling of Carrier Transport in
Nanowires, Computational Science - ICCS 2007, LNCS 4487, Springer, (2007), 739-746.
16. G. Kamberov, L. Popova, T. Nikolov, P. Marinov, V. Hristov, Effect of Nitrogen Impurities in the
Scrape-off-Layer of magnetically confined plasma. Comptes Rendus de l'Academie Bulgare des
Sciences, Tome 60, No.8, (2007), 823-828.
17. George Kamberov, Liliya Popova, Todor Nickolov, Pencho Marinov, Vladimir Hristov, Impact of
the experimental Conditions on Edge Plasma Turbulences in TOKAMAK. Comptes Rendus de
l'Academie Bulgare des Sciences, Tome 60, No.10, (2007), 1059-1064.
18. A. Karaivanova, H. Chi, and T. Gurov, Quasi-random Walks on Balls Using C.U.D. Sequences,
Numerical Methods and Applications, LNCS 4310, Springer, (2007), 165-172.
19. Ivan Kutiev, Pencho Marinov, Topside sounder model of scale height and transition height characteristics of the ionosphere. Advances in Space Research. Volume 39, Issue 5, (2007), 759-
20. M. Nedjalkov, D. Vasileska, I. Dimov, G. Arsov, Mixed Initial-Boundary Value Problem in
Particle Modeling of Microelectronic Devices, Monte Carlo Methods and Applications, 13, 4,
(2007), 299-331.
21. Tz. Ostromsky, Z. Zlatev, Parallel and GRID implementation of a large scale air pollution
model, Numerical Methods and Applications, LNCS 4310, Springer, (2007), 475-482.
22. Blagovest Sendov, Pencho Marinov, Verification of the Smale's Mean Value Conjecture for n<10.
Comptes Rendus de l'Academie Bulgare des Sciences, Tome 60, No.11, (2007), 1151-1156.
23. S.M. Stankov, P. Marinov, I. Kutiev, Comparison of NeQuick, PIM, and TSM model results for
the topside ionospheric plasma scale and transition heights. Advances in Space Research 39(5)
(2007), 767-773.
24. S.Vitanov, M.Nedjalkov, V. Palankovski, A Monte Carlo Model of Piezoelectric Scattering in
GaN, Numerical Methods and Applications, LNCS 4310, Springer, (2007) 197-204.
25. Rene Warnant, Ivan Kutiev, Pencho Marinov, Michael Bavier, Sandrine Lejeune. Ionospheric and
geomagnetic conditions during periods of degraded GPS position accuracy: 1. Monitoring
variability in TEC wich degrades the accuracy of Real-Time Kinematics GPS applications.
Advances in Space Research. Volume 39, Issue 5, (2007), 875-880.
26. Rene Warnant, Ivan Kutiev, Pencho Marinov, Michael Bavier, Sandrine Lejeune. Ionospheric and
geomagnetic conditions during periods of degraded GPS position accuracy: 2.RTK events during
distributed and quiet geomagnetic conditions. Advances in Space Research. Volume 39, Issue 5,
(2007), 881-888.
Научни публикации в пълен текст в сборници от конгреси и конференции, както и в тематични сборници (в чужбина)
1.E. Atanassov, R. Georgieva, T. Gurov, S. Ivanovska, A. Karaivanova, and M. Nedjalkov, New
Algorithms in the Grid Application SALUTE, 30th International Convention MIPRO 2007
(Conference on Hypermedia and Grid Systems), (2007), 217–222 (Award for exceptional
outstanding paper).
2. E. Atanassov, T. Gurov, A. Karaivanova, SALUTE application for Quantum Transport - New
Grid Implementation Scheme, Proceedings of the Spanish conference on e-Science Grid
Computing, (2007), 23-32.
3. M. Nedjalkov, D. Vasileska and K.Raleva, Thermal Relaxation of Non-Equilibrium Electrons in
Nanowires Proc. of VIII ETAI 2007, Ohrid, Macedonia, E-1-2-1--E-1-2-4, (on a CD), ISBN 978-
4. M. Nedjalkov, D. Vasileska, Semi-Discrete 2D Wigner-Particle Approach, Proceedings gs of the
International Workshop on Computational Electronics IWCE12, University of Massachusetts
Amherst, USA, (2007), 122-123.
5. Anton A. Penzov, Stanislava S. Stoilova, Ivan T. Dimov and Nikolay M. Mitev, Uniform
Separation for Parallel Monte Carlo Image Creation, Fourth Hungarian Conference on Computer
Graphics and Geometry, SZTAKI, Budapest, (2007), 117-124.
Научни публикации в пълен текст в сборници от конгреси и конференции, както и в тематични сборници (в България)
1. Anton A. Penzov, and Milena Ivanova, Digital Representation of Books for Multimedia Study,
Automatics and Informatics'07, Sofia, Bulgaria, Vol. I (2007), pp. VIII-9--VIII-12 (award for
best paper in the section).
2. Папанчева Р., Кр. Димитрова. Използване на екипната работа при интегриране на
технологиите в началното училище. СУ „Св. Кл. Охридски”, В Сб. доклади на Петата
Есенна Научна Конференция на Факултета по Начална и Предучилищна педагогика
„Приемственост и перспективи в развитието на педагогическата теория и практика”,
София, 2007.
3. Папанчева Р., Кр. Димитрова, Н. Калоянова. Примерен проект за работа в трети клас при
интегриране на технологиите. СУ „Св. Кл. Охридски”, В Сб. доклади на Петата Есенна
Научна Конференция на Факултета по Начална и Предучилищна педагогика
„Приемственост и перспективи в развитието на педагогическата теория и практика”,
София, 2007.
4. Папанчева Р. Развитие на числовите системи и алгебрата от древността до наши дни.
Управление и образование. Кн. 3. Том 3. 2007.
5. Папанчева Р., Кр. Димитрова. „Туристически пътеводител на моя роден край” – примерен
образователен проект с интегриране на технологиите за четвърти клас на началното
училище. Управление и образование. Кн. 2. Том 3. 2007.
6. Папанчева Р., Н. Калоянова, Кр. Димитрова. Web – базирано проучване за разработване на
учебно съдържание за работа с Интернет, В сб. доклади част първа на Юбилейна научна
конференция 20 години педагогически факултет, „Образованието в глобализиращия се
свят” (научната ред. проф. д-р Пл. Легкоступ), ВТУ „Св. св. Кирил и Методий”, Фабер,
Велико Търново, 2007.
Научно-популярни и публицистични издания
1. Е. Атанасов, Т. Гюров, Quad-Core Intel Xeon 53xx процесорите са отлични за GRID
среди. Computerword, брой 9, Март, 200