Participation in Projects

- "SEERA-EI: South East European Research Area for e-Infrastructures",
Grant N: 228052, Funded by EC under FP7, 2009-2012,
(Coordinator O. Prnjat, GRNET, Greece; Team leader in IPP-BAS: T. Gurov), (open)
- " Center of exellence on supercomputer applications, Module 1:
High Performance Computing Grid for Advanced Scientific Applications",
Grant N: DO02-015 with National Science Fund of Bulgaria, 2008-2011,
(Coordinator E. Atanassov, IPP-BAS), (open).
- "Advanced Quasi-Monte Carlo Grid Computing - Framework, Libraries, Pilot Grid Applications",
Grant N: DO02-146 with National Science Fund of Bulgaria, 2008-2011,
(Coordinator A. Karaivanova, IPP-BAS), (open).
- "SEE-GRID-SCI: SEE-GRID e-Infrastructure for regional e-Science",
Grant N: 211338, Funded by EC under FP7, 2008-2010,
(Coordinator O. Prnjat, GRNET, Greece; Bulgarian team leader: T. Gurov), (open).
- "EGEE-III: Enabling Grid for E-sciencE-III",
Grant N: 222667 Funded by EC under FP7, 2008-2010,
(Coordinator B. Jones, CERN, Switzerland; Bulgarian team leader: E. Atanassov), (open).
- "GRINKO: Grid e-Infrastructure and Networking with Kosovo",
Grant N: K-04-2008, Funded by Austrian Science and Researh Liaison Office:
ASO-Call "Research Cooperation and Networking between Austria,
Kosovo/UNMIK and South Eastern Europe", 2008-2009,
(Coordinator T. Gurov, IPP-BAS), (closed).
- "EGEE-II: Enabling Grid for E-sciencE-II",
Grant N: INFSO-RI-031688 with EC under FP6, 2006-2008,
(Coordinator B. Jones, CERN, Switzerland; Bulgarian team leader: E. Atanassov), (closed).
- " SEE-GRID-2: South-Eastern European GRid-enavled eInfrastructure Development-2",
Grant N: FP6-RI-031775 with EC under FP6 programme, 2006-2008,
(Coordinator O. Prnjat, GRNET, Greece; Bulgarian team leader: T. Gurov), (closed).
- "Enabling Grids for E-sciencE (EGEE)",
Grant N: IST-2003-508833 with EC - FP6-2002-Infrastructure-2, 2004-2006,
(Coordinator B. Jones, CERN, Switzerland), (closed).
- "South-Eastern European GRid-enavled eInfrastructure Development (SEE-GRID)",
Grant N: FP6-RI-002356 with EC under FP6 programme, 2004-2006,
(Coordinator N. Vogiatzis, GRNET, Greece), (closed).
- "Bulgarian IST Centre of Competence in 21 Century (BIS21++)",
Grant N: INCO-CT-2005-016639, with EC, call FP6-2004-ACC-SSA-2, 2005-2007,
(Coordinator L. Boyanov), (closed).
- "Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods for Markov Chain Problems",
Grant N: I-1405/04 with National Science Fund of Bulgaria, 2004-2008,
(Coordinator A. Karaivanova), (closed).
- "Novel Stochastic algorithms for Electron Transport",
Grant N: I-1201/02 with National Science Fund of Bulgaria, 2002-2005,
(Coordinator T. Gurov), (closed).
- "New Monte Carlo Methods for Integrals and Integral
Equations", Grant N: MM -902/99 with National Science Fund of
Bulgaria,1999-2004, (closed).
- "Computer Science Tools For Computationally Demanding
Applications", Support: A generous 5 year grant (1996/2001) from
the Department of Defense/ONR URISP program. (PI: Ken McAloon, Co-PI:
David Arnow), (closed).
- "High - Performance Monte Carlo algorithms and Computer
Modeling for Large - Scale Problems of Air Pollution Transport",
National Science Fund of Bulgaria, Grant N: I-811/98-03, (closed).
- "Parallel Statistical Algorithms for High - Performance
Computing Systems", National Science Fund of Bulgaria, Grant N:
I-501/95-98, (closed).
- "Creation and Studying Numerical Monte Carlo Methods",
National Science Fund of Bulgaria, Grant N: MM-449/94 (Coordinator T.
Gurov) 1994 -1997, (closed);
- APACHE - Project. Joint project between
IMAG-Grenoble, France and CLPP-BAS, Bulgaria (PI: J. Chassin, Co-PI:
Ivan Dimov) 1993-1995, (closed).