Dec 1999 - Ph.D. in Comput. and Appl. Math., Central Laboratory for
Parallel Processing, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria,
Title of the Doctoral Dissertation:
Monte Carlo algorithms for some transport problems.
Nov 1987 - M.Sc. in Mathematics (Mathematical Modelling), Faculty of
Mathematics and Informatics, Sofia University, Bulgaria.
Jun 1979 - High school on Mathematics, Pazardjik, Bulgaria.
July 2010 - present - Assoc. Professor, Deprtment of GRID Technologies and Applications,
IICT - BAS (former IPP-BAS), Sofia, Bulgaria.
Jan 2009 - Jun 2010 - Assoc. Professor, Deprtment of GRID Technologies and Applications,
IPP - BAS, Sofia, Bulgaria.
March 2004 - Dec 2008t - Assoc. Professor, Department of Parallel Algorithms,
IPP - BAS (former CLPP-BAS), Sofia, Bulgaria.
Nov 2001 - March2004 - Scientific Researcher, Department of Parallel Algorithms,
CLPP - BAS, Sofia, Bulgaria.
Nov 1999 - Nov 2001 - Postdoctoral Research Associate, Depart. of
Computer and Information Science, Brooklyn College -CUNY, USA
Feb 1993 - Nov 1999 - Scientific Researcher in Department of Parallel Algorithms,
CLPP - BAS, Sofia, Bulgaria.
1989 - 1992 - Postgraduate student, CLPP-BAS, Sofia, Bulgaria.
1988 - 1989 - Assistant Professor, Institute for Foreign Students,
Sofia, Bulgaria.
Academic Honors and Scientific Visits
TRACS visitor at EPCC, University of Edinburgh, UK, 2 months
(Oct - Nov, 2002).
Research Foundation CUNY Post-doctoral fellowship, Brooklyn
College, USA, Nov 1999 - Nov 2001;
Scholarship, ID-IMAG (Informatics and Distribution lab. - Institut
d'Informatique et Mathematiques Appliquees de Grenoble), Grenoble,
France, 6 months (Jan - Jun, 1995) and Nov, 1994 (APACHE project);
Scholarship, RWTH-Aachen, Germany, May, 1993 (TEMPUS project);
Travel Grant from Bulgarian Science Foundation ``EVRIKA'', May, 1993.

Fields of Research
Statistical modeling of electron quantum kinetics in
Monte Carlo methods for partial differential equations and inverse
matrix problems;
Monte Carlo algorithms using a simulation of branching stochastic
Sequential and parallel random number generators;
Parallel Monte Carlo algorithms/ Realizations over parallel
Parallel and Grid computing
Computer Skills
Programming languages: C/C++, FORTRAN, JAVA, Pascal, HTML;
Operating systems: UNIX (SUN Solaris), LINUX, Microsoft Windows, MS
Others: MPI, OpenMP, gLite, GT4, Latex,
Mathematica, Matlab, etc.
2008/09 - Mastergraduate course on Monte Carlo methods, New Bulgarian University, Sofia, Bulgaria .
1997/98 - Undergraduate course on Numerical methods in
Engineering, Department of Mathematics, South-West University "Neofit
Rilski", Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria.
1991/92, 1993/94 - Undergraduate course on Numerical methods Part I,
Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Sofia University, Bulgaria.
1988/89, 1989/90 - Undergraduate courses on Calculus and Analytic
Geometry, Institute for Foreign Students, Sofia, Bulgaria.