Participation in Conferences and Workshops
- 2nd Int. Conf. of the Euro-American Consortium for Promoting the
Application of Mathematics in Technical and Natural Sciences (EAC4AMITANS), Sozopol,
Bulgaria, June 21-26, 2010, Spesial Session:
"HPC Grid Applications",
organized by A. Karaivanova and T. Gurov (IPP-BAS, Sofia, BG),
(Key lecture) "Efficient Gridification of Environmental Protection
Applications with QoS."
- European Geosciences Union - General Assembly 2010
Participation in the Spesial Session:
"Earth Science on Grid",
Convener: H. Schwichtenberg, Co-Conveners: Paolo Mazzatti and Antonio S. Cofino,
(Poster Presentation) "Multi-scale atmospheric composition modelling for Balkan region."
- 1st Int. Conf. of the Euro-American Consortium for Promoting the
Application of Mathematics in Technical and Natural Sciences (EAC4AMITANS), Sozopol,
Bulgaria, June 22-27, 2009, Spesial Session:
"Grid Computing and Applications in Physics and Mechanics",
organized by E. Atanassov and T. Gurov (IPP-BAS, Sofia, BG),
(Contributed talk) "Computational Electronics on GRID: A Mixed Mode Carrier Transport Model."
- 7th Int. Conf. on Large-Scale Sci. Comput., Sozopol,
Bulgaria, June 4-8, 2009, Spesial Session:
"Grid and Scientific and Engineering Applications"(Grid&SEE),
organized by E. Atanassov, A. Karaivanova, and T. Gurov (IPP-BAS, Sofia, BG).
- 34th Int. Conf. on Applications of Mathematics in Engineering and Economics (AMEE'08),
Sozopol, Bulgaria, June 6-12, 2008,
Workshop: "Grid and Scientific and Engineering Applications"(Grid&SEE),
organized by T. Gurov and A. Karaivanova (IPP-BAS, Sofia, BG)
and M. Ganzha and M. Paprzycki, Systems Research Institute, Polish Academy of Science).
- 6th IMACS Seminar on Monte Carlo Methods, Reading, UK,
June 18-21, 2007, (contributed talk) "Error Analysis of Quasirandom Walks
on Balls".
- 6th Int. Conf. on Large-Scale Sci. Comput., Sozopol,
Bulgaria, June 5-9, 2007, Spesial Session:
"Computational Grid and Large-Scale Problems",
organized by T. Gurov and A. Karaivanova from IPP-BAS, Sofia, BG
and K. Skala, Rudjer Boskovic Institute, Zagreb, HR.
- 6th International Conference on Numerical Methods and
Applications - NM&A 06, Borovets, BULGARIA,
August 20-24, 2006,
(Spesial Session organizer:
"Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo for Diverse Applications"),
contributed talk: "Monte Carlo Grid Application for Electron Transport".
- 5th Int. Conf. on Large-Scale Sci. Comput., Sozopol,
Bulgaria, June 6-10, 2005, (Spesial Session organizer:
"Monte Carlo: Tools, Applications, Distributed Computing"),
contributed talk: "Femtosecond Evolution of
Spatially Inhomogeneous Carrier
Excitations Part II: Stochastic Approach
and Grid Implementation".
- 11th International Summer Conference on
Probability and Statistics (ISCPS),
Seminar on Statistical Data Analysis (SDA 2004),
Workshop on Industrial Statistics, Sozopol,
Bulgaria, June 19-26, 2004, (contributed talk) "A Monte
Carlo Method for the Rendering Equation".
- MC2QMC 2004, Juan Les-Pins,Cote d'Azur, France,
June 7-10, 2004, (contributed talk) "A Branched
Monte Carlo Solver for a Nonlinear Quantum Kinetic Equation".
- 4th IMACS Seminar on Monte Carlo Methods, Berlin,
Germany, Sept 15-19, 2003, (contributed talk) "A Novel Monte
Carlo Algorithm for Ultra-fast Transport
Phenomena in Semiconductors".
- 10th International Summer Conference on
Probability and Statistics (ISCPS),
Seminar on Statistical Data Analysis (SDA 2003),
Workshop on Industrial Statistics, Sozopol,
Bulgaria, June 21-28, 2003, (contributed talk) "Study a Rejection Monte
Carlo Algorithm for a Quantum Kinetic Equation. Error Analysis."
- 4th Int. Conf. on Large-Scale Sci. Comput., Sozopol,
Bulgaria, June 4-8, 2003, (contributed talk) " A Parallel
Monte Carlo Method for Electron Quantum Kinetic Equation".
- 5th International Conference on Numerical Methods and
Applications - NM&A 02, Borovets, BULGARIA, August 20-24, 2002,
(contributed talk) "Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Algorithms for
the Barker-Ferry Equation with Low Complexity".
- 22nd International Seminar on Stability Problems for
Stochastic Models and Seminar on Statistical Data Analysis - SDA 2002,
Varna, Bulgaria, May 25-31, 2002, (contributed talk) "A
Stochastic Approach for Investigation Ultrafast Phenomena in
- 3rd IMACS Seminar on Monte Carlo Methods, Salzburg,
Austria, Sept 10-14, 2001, (contributed talk) "Investigation of the
sensitivity of the Monte Carlo solution for the Barker-Ferry equation
using different sequential and parallel pseudo-random number
- 12th Int. Conf. on Nonequilibrium Carrier Dynamics in
Semiconductors (HCIS-12), Santa Fe, NM, USA, Aug 26-31, 2001,
(poster presentation) "Femtosecond relaxation of hot electrons by
phonon emission in presence of electric field".
- 3nd Int. Conf. on Large-Scale Sci. Comput., Sozopol,
Bulgaria, June 6-10, 2001, (contributed talk) "Statistical
Algorithms for Simulation of Electron Quantum Kinetics in
Semiconductors - Part I".
- 2nd Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applications,
Rousse, Bulgaria, June 11-15, 2000, (contributed talk) "A grid
free Monte Carlo algorithm for solving elliptic boundary value
- 2nd IMACS Seminar on Monte Carlo methods, Varna,
Bulgaria, June 7-11, 1999, (contributed talk and member of the
Organizing Committee). "A grid free Monte Carlo algorithm with low
- 4th International Conference on Numerical Methods and
Applications, Sofia, Bulgaria, August 19-23, 1998, (contributed
talk) "A Monte Carlo Branch Method for Simulation of Nonlinear
Electron Quantum Kinetics in one-band Semiconductor".
- 9th International Summer School on PT&MS,
Sozopol, Bulgaria, June 7-14, 1997, (contributed talk) "Monte
Carlo algorithm for solving integral equations with polynomial
non-linearity. Parallel implementation".
- 1st IMACS Seminar on Monte Carlo Methods, Brussels,
Belgium, April 1-3, 1997, (contributed talk) "Estimates of the
computational complexity of iterative Monte Carlo algorithm based on
Green's function approach".
- 3rd International Conference on Numerical Methods and
Applications, Sofia, Bulgaria, August 21-26, 1994, (contributed
talk and member of the Organizing Committee) "Monte Carlo Methods
for Nonlinear Equations".