Scientific publications in 2015
Papers that are referenced and indexed in a worldwide system of referral, indexing and evaluation
1.Andreev, A.B., Racheva, M.R.. On a Type of Nonconforming Morley Rectangular
Finite Element. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8962, Springer, 2015, ISBN:978-3- 319-15584-5, ISSN:0302-9743, DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-15585-2_32, 287 - 294. SJR:0.32
2.Andreev, A.B., Racheva, M.R.. The Effect of a Postprocessing Procedure to Upper
Bounds of the Eigenvalues. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8962, Springer, 2015, ISSN:03029743, DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-15585-2_31, 273 - 281. SJR:0.339
3.Belehaki A., Tsagouri I., Kutiev I., Marinov P., Zolesi B., Pietrella M., Themelis K.,
Elias P., Tziotziou K.. The European Ionosonde Service: Nowcasting and forecasting ionospheric conditions over Europe for the ESA Space Situational Awareness services. Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate, 5, 2015, ISSN:2115-7251, DOI:10.1051/swsc/2015026, A.25p1 - A25p22. SJR:1.11, ISI IF:2.558
4.Cervenka J. , P. Ellinghaus, Nedjalkov M., Langer E.. Optimization of the Deterministic
Solution of the Discrete Wigner Equation. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer International Publishing, 2015, ISBN:ISBN: 978-3-319-2651, DOI:doi:10.1007/978-3- 319-26520-9_29., SJR:0.31
5.Cervenka J., Ellinghaus P., Nedjalkov M.. Deterministic Solution of the Discrete Wigner Equation. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8962, Springer International Publishing, 2015, ISBN:ISBN: 978-3-319-1558, DOI:doi:10.1007/978-3-319-15585- 2_17., SJR:0.339
6.Chernogorova, T., Dimov, I. T., Vulkov, L.. A splitting numerical method for primary
and secondary pollutant models. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9374, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2015, ISBN:978-3-319-26519-3; O, ISSN:0302-9743, DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-26520-9_35, 303 - 311. SJR:0.31
7.Dimov, I. T., Maire, S., Sellier, J. M.. A New Walk on Equations Monte Carlo Method
for Linear Algebraic Problems. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 39, 15(2015), 2015, ISSN:0307-904X, 4494 - 4510. ISI IF:2.251
8.Dimov, I. T., Nedjalkov, M., Sellier, J. M., Selberherr, S.. Boundary conditions and the Wigner equation solution. Journal of Computational Electronics, 14, 4(2015), 2015,
ISSN:1569-8025 (print version), 1572-8137 (Online), D01:10.1007/s10825-015-0720-
2,859 - 863. ISI IF:1.52
9.Dimov, I. T., Sellier, J. M., Ivanova, D.Y.. Molecular descriptors and quasi-distribution
functions. Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 70, 11(2015), 2015, ISSN:0898-1221, DOI:10.1016/j.camwa.2015.06.037, 2726 - 2731. ISI IF:1.697
10.Dimov, I. T., Sellier, J. M., Nedjalkov, M., Selberherr, S. A Comparison of Approaches for the Solution of the Wigner Equation. Mathematics and Computers in Simulations, 107, 2015, ISSN:0378-4754, DOI:10.1016/j.matcom.2014.06.001, 108 -
119.ISI IF:1.033
11.Dimov, I. T., Sellier, J. M.. A sensitivity study of the Wigner Monte Carlo method. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 277, 2015, ISSN:0377-0427, DOI:10.1016/j.cam.2014.09.010, 87 - 93. ISI IF:1.672
12.Dimov, I., Sellier, J. M.. Toward solotronics design in the Wigner formalism. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 417, 2015, ISSN:0378-4371, DOI:10.1016/j.physa.2014.09.057, 287 - 296. ISI IF:1.722
13.Ellinghaus P., Nedjalkov M., Selberherr, S. Optimized Particle Regeneration Scheme for the Wigner Monte Carlo Method. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8962, Springer, 2015, ISBN:978-3-319-15584-5, DOI:doi:10.1007/978-3-319-15585-2_3., 27 - 33. SJR:0.339
14.Ellinghaus P., Nedjalkov M., Selberherr, S. The Influence of Electrostatic Lenses on Wave Packet Dynamics. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9374, Springer International Publishing, 2015, ISBN:ISBN: 978-3-319-2651, DOI:doi:10.1007/978-3- 319-26520-9_30, 277 - 284. SJR:0.339
15.Ellinghaus P., Nedjalkov M.. Improved Drive-Current into Nanoscaled Channels using Electrostatic Lenses. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices (SISPAD), 2015, ISBN:978-1-4673-7860-4, DOI:doi:10.1109/SISPAD.2015.7292249., 24 - 27
16.Ellinghaus P., Nedjalkov M.. Memory-efficient Particle Annihilation Algorithm for Wigner Monte Carlo Simulations. Proceedings of the 2015 International Workshop on Computational Electronics (IWCE), 2015, ISBN:ISBN: 978-0-692-5152, DOI:doi:10.1109/IWCE.2015.7301955.
17.Ellinghaus, P., Weinbub, J., Nedjalkov M., Selberherr, S, Dimov I.. Distributed- Memory Parallelization of the Wigner Monte Carlo Method Using Spatial Domain Decomposition. Journal of Computational Electronics, 2015, ISSN:1569-8025, DOI:doi:10.1007/s10825-014-0635-3., 151 - 162. ISI IF:1.52
18.Fidanova S., Ilcheva Z.. Application of Ants Ideas on Image Edge Detection. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9374, Springer, 2015, ISBN:978-3-319-26519-3, ISSN:0302-9743, DOI:10.007/978-3-319-26520-9, 218 - 225. SJR:0.339
19.Fidanova S., Mucherino A., Ganzha M.. Ant Colony Optimization with Environment Changes: An Application to GPS Surveying. FedCSIS'2015, EEE Xplorer, 2015, ISBN:ISBN 978-83-60810-66, ISSN:2300-5963, DOI:DOI 10.15439/2015F33, 495 -
20.Fidanova S., Pop P.. An Ant Algorithm for the Partitioned Graph Coloring Problem. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8962, Springer, 2015, ISBN:ISBN 978-3-31915584, ISSN:ISSN 0302-9743, DOI:0.1007/978-3-319-15585-2, 78 - 84. SJR:0.339
21.Kapanova, K.G., Dimov, I, Sellier, J.M.. On randomization of neural networks as a form of post-learning strategy. Soft Computing, Springer, 2015, ISSN:1433-7479, DOI:10.1007/s00500-015-1949-1, ISI IF:1.271
22.Marinov P., Kutiev I., Belehaki A., Tsagouri I.. Modeling the plasmasphere to topside ionosphere scale height ratio. J. Space Weather Space Clim.,, 5, A27, 2015, ISSN:2115- 7251, DOI:DOI: 10.1051/swsc/2015028, A27p1 - A27p12. ISI IF:2.558
23.Nedjalkov M., Weinbub J. , P. Ellinghaus, S. Selberherr. The Wigner Equation in the Presence of Electromagnetic Potentials. Journal of Computational Electronics, 2015, ISSN:1569-8025, DOI:doi:10.1007/s10825-015-0732-y., ISI IF:1.52
24.Ostromsky, Tz., Dimov, I. T., Alexandrov, V., Zlatev, Z.. Preparing Input Data for Sensitivity Analysis of an Air Pollution Model by using High-Performance Supercomputers and Algorithms. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 70, 11, Elsevier, 2015, ISSN:0898-1221, DOI:10.1016/j.camwa.2015.07.020, 2773 - 2782. SJR:1.121, ISI IF:1.697
25.Roeva O., Fidanova S., Paprzycki M.. Population Size Influence on the Genetic and Ant Algorithms Performance in Case of Cultivation Process Modelling. Recent Advances in Computational Optimization: Results of the Worcshop on Computational Optimization WCO 2013, Studies in Computational Intelligence, 580, Springer, 2015, ISBN:978-3-319-12630-2, ISSN:1860-949X, DOI:10.007/978-3-319-12631-9_7, 107 - 120. SJR:0.235
26.Roeva O., Vassilev P., Fidanova S., Gepner P.. InterCriteria Analysis of a Model Parameters Identification Using Genetic Algorithm. FedCSIS'2015, EEE Xplorer, 2015, ISBN:978-83-60810-66-1, ISSN:2300-5963, DOI:10.15439/2015F233,
500.- 506
27.Sellier, J. M., Dimov, I. T.. On the simulation of indistinguishable fermions in the many-body Wigner formalism. Journal of Computational Physics, 280, 2015, ISSN:0021-9991, 287 - 294. SJR:1.921, ISI IF:3.184
28. Sellier, J. M., Dimov, I. T.. Wigner functions, signed particles, and the harmonic oscillator. Journal of Computational Electronics, 14, 4(2015), 2015, ISSN:1569-8025, 907 - 915. ISI IF:1.52
29.Sellier, J. M., Nedjalkov, M., Dimov, I. T.. An introduction to applied quantum mechanics in the Wigner Monte Carlo formalism. Physics Reports, 577, 2015, ISSN:0370-1573, DOI:10.1016/j.physrep.2015.03.001, 1 - 34. ISI IF:22.91
30.Sellier, J. M., Sviercoski, R. F., Dimov, I. T.. On the Wigner Monte Carlo Method Coupled to Pseudopotential Models. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 293, 2015, ISSN:0377-0427, DOI:10.1016/j.cam.2015.01.033, 217 - 222. ISI IF:1.266
31.Wang L. , A. Brown, Nedjalkov M., Alexander C, B. Cheng, C. Millar, A. Asenov:. Impact of Self-Heating on the Statistical Variability in Bulk and SOI FinFETs. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 2015, ISSN:0018-9383, DOI:doi:10.1109/TED.2015.2436351, ISI IF:2.47
32.Wang L. , A. R. Brown, Nedjalkov M., Alexander C., B. Cheng, C. Millar, A. Asenov.. 3D Electro-Thermal Simulations of Bulk FinFETs with Statistical Variations. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices (SISPAD), 2015, ISBN:978-1-4673-785, DOI:DOI: 10.1109/SISPAD.2015.7292271
33.Wang l., T. Sadi, Nedjalkov M., Brown A.R., C. Alexander, B. Cheng, C. Millar, A. Asenov.. An Advanced Electro-Thermal Simulation Methodology For Nanoscale Device. Proceedings of the 2015 International Workshop on Computational Electronics (IWCE), 2015, ISBN:ISBN: 978-0-692-5152, DOI:DOI: 10.1109/IWCE.2015.7301989
34.Weinbub J., Ellinghaus P., Nedjalkov M.. Domain Decomposition Strategies for the Two-Dimensional Wigner Monte Carlo Method. Journal of Computational Electronics, 2015, ISSN:1569-8025, DOI:doi:10.1007/s10825-015-0730-0, ISI IF:1.52
35.Zlatev, Z., Georgiev, K., Dimov, I.. Selecting Explicit Runge-Kutta Methods with Improved Stability Properties. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9374, Springer International Publishing, 2015, ISSN:978-3-319-26519-3; Online ISBN978-3-319- 26520-9, DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-26520-9_46, 409 - 416. SJR:0.34