Institute of Information and Communication Technologies Department of Parallel Algorithms
Department of Parallel Algorithms
Bulgarian version



Scientific publications in 2009

Monographs and proceedings

1. L. Szirmay-Kalos, L. Szécsi, A. Penzov, Environment Mapping with Floyd-Steinberg Halftoning, ShaderX8 - Advanced Rendering Techniques

Papers in international journals

1. A.B. Andreev, M.R. Racheva, Optimal Order FEM for a Coupled Eigenvalue Problem on 2D Overlapping Domains, Numerical Analysis and Its Applications, Springer LNCS 5434 (2009), 151-158.

2. A.B. Andreev, M.R. Racheva, New Approach of FEM for Eigenvalue Problems with Non-local Transition Conditions, Numerical Analysis and Its Applications, Springer LNCS 5434 (2009), 159-167.

3. L. Bankov, R. Heelis, M. Parrot, J.-J. Berthelier, P. Marinov, A. Vassileva, WN4 Effect on Longitudinal Distribution of Different Ion Species in the Topside Ionosphere at Low Latitudes by Means of DEMETER, DMSP-F13 and DMSP-F15 data, Annales Geophysica 27, ISSN 0992-7689, (2009), 2893-2902 (imp. f. 1.660).

4. S. Fidanova, E. Alba, G. Molina, Memetic Simulated Annealing for GPS Surveying Problem Numerical Analysis and Applications, Lecture Notes in Computer Science No 5434, ISSN 0302-9743, ISBN 978-3-642-00464-3, (2009), 281 - 288. (imp. f. 0.402, 2005).

5. S. Fidanova, K. Atanasov, Generalizet Net Models for the Process of Hibride Ant Colony Optimization, Comptes Rendus de l'Academie Bulgare des Sciences, Vol. 62 (3), (2009), 315-322 (imp. f. 0.152, 2008).

6. S. Fidanova, K. Atanassov, P. Marinov, R. Parvathi, Ant Colony Optimization for Multiple Knapsack Problem with Controlled Start, Journal on Bioautomation, Vol. 13(4), ISSN 1312-451X, (2009), 271-280.

7. S. Fidanova, P. Marinov, Intuitionistic Fuzzy Estimation of the Ant Methodology, J. of Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Vol 9(2), ISSN 1311-9702, (2009), 79-88.

8. S. Fidanova, I. Lirkov, 3D Protein Structure Prediction, J. Analele Universitatii de Vest Timisoara, Seria Matematica-Informatica, Vol. XLVII(2), ISSN 1224-970X, (2009), 33-46.

9. K. Georgiev, N. Kosturski, S. Margenov, J. Stary, On the Adaptive Time-stepping for Large scale Parabolic Problems: Computer Simulation of Heat and Mass Transfer in Vacuum Freeze-drying, J. of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Elsevier, 226, ISSN 0377-0427, (2009), 268 – 274 (imp. f. 1.138).

10. I. Kutiev, P. Marinov, A. Belehaki, B. Reinisch, N. Jakowski, Reconstruction of Topside Density Profile by Using the Topside Sounder Model Profiler and Digisonde data, Int. Journal Advances in Space Research, Vol. 43 (11), ISSN 0273-1177, (2009), 1683-1687 (imp. f. 0.860, 2009).

11. I. Kutiev, P. Marinov, S. Fidanova, R. Warnant, Modeling Medium-Scale TEC Structures, Observed by Belgian GPS Receivers Network, Int. Journal Advances in Space Research, Vol. 43 (11), ISSN -0273-1177, (2009), 1732-1739 (imp. f. 0.860, 2009).

12. Tz. Ostromsky, I. Dimov, Z. Zlatev, Parallel Performance and Scalability Experiments with the Danish Eulerian Model on the EPCC Supercomputers, In: Proc. NAA’08 June 16 - 20, 2008, Lozenetz, Bulgaria, LNCS 5434 Springer, ISBN 978-3-642-00463-6, ISSN 0302-9743, (2009), 447-453.

13. R. Papancheva, K. Dimitrova, Technologies Integrated Learning in the Primary School. Some Aspects of Forming Reflection and Self-reflection Skills to Young Pupils, Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2009), INSTICC Press, Portugal, 2009.

14. A. Penzov, I.T. Dimov, V. Koylazov, A Quasi Monte Carlo Solution of the Rendering Equation by Uniform Quadrangle Separation, ICCMSE 2008, AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 1148, ISSN 0094-243X, ISBN 978-0-7354-0685-8, (2009), 184-188.

15. L. Szirmay-Kalos, L. Szécsi, A. Penzov, Importance Sampling with Floyd-Steinberg Halftoning, Eurographics 2009, Munich, Germany, EG Short Papers, ISSN 1017-4656, (2009), 69-72.

Papers in Bulgarian journals

1. A. Penzov, G. Hristova, A Monte Carlo Approach for Testing and Assessing of Acquired Knowledge in Computer Graphics, списание “Електротехника и електроника”, 3-4, (2009), ISSN 0861-4717, 16-20.

Papers in Proceedings (abroad)

1. S. Fidanova, Near-Native Protein Folding, In. Proc. of Int. Conf. Computer Science'2008, Kavala, Greece, (2009), ISBN 978-954-580-254-6, 61 - 66.

2. C. Jungemann, M. Nedjalkov, The Impact of Collisional Broadening on Noise in Silicon at Equilibrium, NOISE AND FLUCTUATIONS: 20th International Conference on Noice and Fluctuations (ICNF-2009). AIP Conference Proceedings, V1129, pp. 73-76 (2009).ISBN 978-0-7354-0665-0

3. P. Schwaha, R. Heinzl, M. Nedjalkov, The Forced Evolution of Implementations: Using a Monte Carlo Algorithm as Example, In: Proceedings of the 8th workshop on Parallel/High-Performance, (2009), ISBN: 978-1-60558-547-5.

Papers in Proceedings (in Bulgaria)

1. A.B. Andreev, M.R. Racheva, Non-conforming Z-type FE for Fourth-order Problems: Estimates and Application, In: Proc. of BGSIAM'08, Sofia, Bulgaria, (2009), 7-10.

2. A.B. Andreev, M.R. Racheva, Finite Elements with Integral Degrees of Freedom, Proceedings of the International Conference "UNITECH’09", Gabrovo, Bulgaria (2009), ISSN 1313-230X, 480-485.

3. I.T. Dimov, R. Georgieva, S. Ivanovska, Tz. Ostromsky, Z. Zlatev, Sensitivity Analysis of Air Pollution Models, In: Proc. of BGSIAM'08, Sofia, Bulgaria, (2009), ISSN: 1313-3357, 28 – 31.

4. S. Fidanova, K. Atanassov, P. Marinov, Intuitionistic Fuzzy Estimations of the Ant Colony Optimization, In: Proc. of BGSIAM'08, Sofia, Bulgaria, ISSN 1313-3357, (2009), 33 – 36.

5. K. Georgiev, Z. Zlatev, Comparison Results of Running of the Danish Eulerian Model for Long-range Transport of Air Pollutants on Different Kind of High-Performance Computer Architectures, Proc. of Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, September 02-05, 2009, Borovetz, Bulgaria, PaperID: 243-139-1-PB, ISSN: 1313-9665.

6. A. Penzov, I.T. Dimov, L. Szirmay-Kalos, V. Koylazov, N. Mitev, G. Sirakova, Generalized Discrepancy of Points Distributed on Hemisphere by Uniform Separation Techniques, In: Proceedings of International Conference Automatics and Informatics'09, (2009), Section I, ISSN 1313-1850, 117-120.

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