Blagovest Sendov's Home Page:


  1. Approximation of functions of more variables with algebraic polynomials in Hausdorff metric, God. Sof. Univ. Math. Fac., 63, (1970), 61-76 (with V. Popov, in Russian).
  2. Approximation of plane curves with polynomial curves, C. r. Acad. Bulgare Sci., 23, (1970), \# 6, 639-642 (with V. Popov, in Russian).
  3. On the approximation with spline functions, C. r. Acad. Bulgare Sci., 23, (1970), n. 7, 755-758 (with V. Popov, in Russian).
  4. Convergence of the derivatives of the linear positive operators, Izv. Math. Inst. BAS, 11, (1970), 107- 115 (with B. Penkov, in Bulgarian).
  5. Study of a mathematical model of the regulation of the cellular multiplication, Izv. Math. Inst. BAS, 11, (1970), 221-246 (with R. Tzanev, in Bulgarian).
  6. On the classes characterized by the best approximation with the spline functions, Math. Zametki, 8, (1970), n. 2, 137-148 (with V. Popov, in Russian).
  7. Approximation relative to Hausdorff distance, in: Approximation Theory. Ed. by A. Talbot, London and New York Acad. Press, 1970, 101-108.
  8. Prehistoric birth of the computer, Sp. Kvant, Maskow, (1970), 7, 3-7; 10, 8-14 (with N. Rosov, in Russian).
  9. On a Property of a class of Linear Positive Operators, God. Sof. Univ. Maih. Fac., 64, (1971), 115-117 (with B. Bojanov).
  10. Parametric approximation, God. Sof. Univ. Math. Fac., 64, (1971), 237-247 (in Bulgarian).
  11. Possible molecular mechanism for cell differentiation in multicellular organisms, J. Theoret. Biol., New York, 30 (1971), 337 -393 (with R. Tzanev).
  12. An epigenetic mechanism for carcinogenesis, Z. Krebsforsch., Berlin, 76, (1971). 299-319 (with R. Tzanev).
  13. Charls Babbage (1791-1871). In the occasion of 100 years of his death, Fiz.-math, sp., Sofia, 14, (1967) n. 4, 331-339.
  14. A generalization of the estimates for the approximation of functions with linear positive operators, God. Sof. Univ. Math. Fac., 65, (1972), 191-200 (with V. Popov, in Russian).
  15. A problem of the labyrinths, C. r. Acad. Bulgare Sci., 25, (1972), \# 5, 583-585 (with T. Bojanov).
  16. On the approximation of functions with spline functions and rational functions, Trudi Int. Conf., Varna, 19-25 May 1970, BAS, 1972, 89-94 (with V. Popov, in Russian).
  17. Analog of the S. M. Nikolskii's theorem for approximation of functions with algebraic polynomials in Hausdorff metric, Trudi Int. Conf., Varna, 19-85 May 1970. BAS, 1972, 95-103 (with V. Popov, in Russian).
  18. Exact asymptotic of the best approximation with algebraic and trigonometric polynomials in Hausdorff metric, Mat. sb., Moscow, 89, (1972), \# 1, 138-147 (with V. Popov, in Russian).
  19. Hausdorif Metric and its applications, Intern. Ser. Numer. Math., Basel-Stuttgart, 20 (1972), 127-146 (with B. Penkov).
  20. Convergence of Vall\`ee-Poussin Sums in Hausdorff Distance, C. r. Acad. Bulgare Sci., 26, (1973), n. 11, 1431-1432.
  21. Computer simulation of the regenerative processes in the liver, in: Liver Regen- eration, MSS Information Corporation, New York, 1973, 174-188 (with R. Tzanev).
  22. On a generalization of Jackson's theorem for best approximation, J. Approx. Theory. 9, (1973), n. 3, 102-111 (with V. Popov).
  23. Academician Ljubomir Iliev at 60 years, Fiz.-math, sp., Sofia, 16, (1973) n. 4, 1-3 (in Bulgarian).
  24. Order of the best approximation for a class of analytic functions, C. r. Acad. Bulgare Sci., 27, (1974), n.12, 1621-1623 (in Russian).
  25. A method for simultaneous approximate calculation of all positive zeros of an algebraic equation, Izv. VUZ, Mat., (1974), n. 5, 185-187 (in Bulgarian).
  26. Approximation of Analytic Functions in Hausdorff Metric, Lecture Nots in Math., Berlin etc., (1974), n. 399, 490-500.
  27. A Mathematical Model of Cellular Differentiation, in: Mathematical Models in Biology and Medicine. Proc. IFIP-TC 4 Work. Conf., Varna, Bulgaria, 6-11 Sept., 1972, Amsterdam, North- Holland, (1974), 81-92 (with R. Tzanev).
  28. Approximation of Monotone Functions by Monotone Polynomials in Hausdorff's Metric, Rev. anal. numer. theorie approxim., Cluj, 3, (1974), n. 1, 79-88 (with V. Popov).
  29. The machine is an amplifier of the human brain, Sp. September, (1974), n. 9, 136-145 (in Bulgarian).
  30. The mathematics and the contemporary society, Fiz.-math, sp., Sofia, 17, (1974), 331-339 (in Bulgarian).
  31. On a modification of Goncar's theorem on the rate of rational approximation, Math. Zameiki, 17, (1975), n. 3, 383-390 (in Russian).
  32. Order of best Hausdorff Polynomial Approximation of Certain Functions, Serdica. (1975). n. 1, 77-78.
  33. Approximations of Semicircles by Algebraic Polynomials, Trudy Math., Inst. Steclov, 134, (1975), 315-320; Trudy Math. Inst. AN SSSR, 134, (1975), 278-282 (in Russian).
  34. Simultaneous approximation of all real zeroes of an algebraic polynomial, Intern. Ser. Numer. Math., Basel-Stuttgart, 26, (1975), 131-137.
  35. Hausdorff Approximation of Functions and Point Sets, In: Topics in Numer. Analysis. Proc. of Royal Irich Acad. Conf. on Numerical Analysis, Dublin 1974. Dublin, Acad. Press, 1975, 175-184.
  36. Hausdorff Approximation of Functions and Point Sets, Mathematica Balkanica, 4, (1975), 547-553.
  37. Computation mathematics old and new, Nauka i izkustvo, Sofia, 1975 (in Bulgarian).
  38. Babbage Charls, Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Technology, 2, Marsel Dekker Inc., New York, 1975, 469-479.
  39. The problem of talents in universities, in: Problem of talents, Ed. Y. Yanev, Partizdat, Sofia, 1975, 201-207 (in Bulgarian).
  40. The 60th Anniversary of Professor L. Iliev, in: Math. structures, comp. math., math modeling, BAS, Sofia, 1975, 5- 27.
  41. Approximation by algebraic polynomials of functions, which are different from zero only in one point, God. Sof. Univ. Math. and Mech. Fac., 67, (1976), 61-76 (with N. Kjurkchiev, in Bulgarian).
  42. Best Hausdorff Approximation with Equidistant-Knot Spline Functions, C. r. Acad. Bulgare Sci., 29, (1976), n. 12, 1717-1719.
  43. Hausdorff Derivatives in $F_{\Delta}$, Serdica, (1976), n. 2 131-137 (with B. Penkov and others).
  44. Certain problems of Hausdorff approximation, in: Theory of function approximation. Moscow 135, (1976), 322- 329 (in Russian).
  45. Mathematical models of the cellular proliferation and differentiation, Uspehi Math. Nauk, Moscow, 31, (1976), n. 3, 255-256 (in Russian).
  46. Metrical dimension and approximation of polynomial curves on the plane, Serdirca, (1976), n. 2, 295-299 (with T. Bojanov).
  47. Best Hausdorff Approximation with Spline Functions, Colloq. on Functional Analysis and Approx., Budapest, 1976.
  48. Mathematical models of the processes for cellular proliferation and differentiation. Publ. Moscow University, 1976.
  49. Mathematical biology, Fiz.-math, sp., Sofia, 19, (1976) n. 1, 47-53.
  50. Stare i nove w metodach numerrycznych, Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 1976.
  51. Numerical methods, part I, Publ. Nauka i Izkustvo, Sofia, 1976 (with V. Popov).
  52. Exact estimate for the best Hausdorff spline approximation, C. r. Acad. Bulgare Sci., 30, (1977), n. 2, 187-190.
  53. Convergence of sequences of monotone operators in A-distance, C. r. Acad. Bulgure Sci., 30, (1977), n. 5, 657-660.
  54. Segment Arithmetic and Segment Limit, C. r. Acad. Bulgare Sci., 30, (1977), n. 7, 955-958.
  55. Segment Derivatives and Taylor's Formula, C. r. Acad. Bulgare Sci., 30, (1977). n. 8, 1093-1096.
  56. Best Hausdorff approximations by spline functions with equidistant knots, Pliska, Sofia, 1, (1977), 79-92.
  57. Some problems for approximation of point sets on the plane, {\it Mathematica, Cluj. (1977) (in Russian).
  58. Practical mathematical analysis, Spring Conf. Bulgarian Math. Soc., Varna, 1977 (in Bulgarian).
  59. Some Topics of Segment Analysis, in: Interval Mathematics, Acad. Press, 1977. 203-222.
  60. Jackson's Type Theorems for One-sided Polynomial Approximation, C. r. Acad. Bulgare Sci., 30, (1977), n. 11, 1533-1536.
  61. Universities and university education, Fiz.-math, sp., Sofia, 20, (1977) n. 2, 116--124.
  62. Approximation with monotone operators in A- distance, in: Linear Spaces and Approximation, Ed. P. L. Butzer and B. Sz. Nagy, ISNM 40, Basel, 1978, 335-341.
  63. Characterization of the S-derivatives of Lipschitz functions, Serdica, (1975), n. 4, 260-266 (with S. P. Tashev and P. Petrushev, in Russian).
  64. Numerical methods, part II, Publ. Nauka i Izkustvo, Sofia, 1978 (with V. Popov, in Bulgarian).
  65. Informatique, ordinateurs et education, Impact: science et societe, 28, (1978), n. 3 287-292.
  66. Collaboration of European Universities, in: Proc. 28 Pugwach Conference, 1978, 212-213.
  67. A scientist has to be certainly a manager, ``Priroda'', Publ. Nauka, Moscow, (1978), 60-64 (in Russian).
  68. Informatics and the other sciences, Fiz.-math, sp., Sofia, 21, (1978) n. 1, 41-50.
  69. On a problem of G. I. Marchuk, Comp. meth. in the math. phis., Novosibirsk, 4, (1979), 4-10 (in Russian).
  70. Jackson's type theorems for the best one-sided approximations with trigonometric polynomials and spline functions, Math. Zametki 26, (1979), n. 5, 791-804 (with A. Andreev and V. Popov, in Russian).
  71. Some estimates for a numerical solution of a boundary problem for ordinary differential equations of a second order, C. r. Acad. Bulgare Sci., 32, (1979), n. 5, 1023-1026 (with A. Andreev and V. Popov).
  72. Hausdorff approximations, Publ. BAS, Sofia, 1979 (in Bulgarian).
  73. Mathematical analysis I, Publ. ''Nauka'', Moscow, 1979 (with V. Il'in and V. Sadovnichii, in Russian).
  74. Mathematical analysis 1, Publ. "Nauka i Izkustvo", Sofia, 1979 (with V. Il'in and V. Sadovnichii, in Bulgarian).
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