Krassimir Georgiev

List of selected publications

  1. S. Margenov, K. Georgiev (1992), On Domain Decomposition Preconditioning of Plane Elasticity Problems, Mathematica Balkanica, 6, 173-182
  2. S. Margenov, K. Georgiev (1992), On the Domain Decomposition Methods for Elliptic Problems with Discontinues Coefficients, Numerical Algorithms, 12, 281-292, IF
  3. O. Axelsson, K. Georgiev, M. Neytcheva (1993), Symmetric Numerical Scheme for some Convection-Diffusion Problems, in: "Scientific Computation and Mathematical Modeling", Ed. S. Markov, DATECS Publ., Sofia, 55-58
  4. Z. Zlatev, I. Dimov, K. Georgiev (1994), Modeling the Long-Range Transport of Air Pollutants, IEEE Computational Sciences & Engineering, Vol. 1 , 3, 45-52, IF
  5. K. Georgiev, S. Margenov (1994), On Efficient Coupling of Domain Decomposition and Pointwise Newest Vertex Local Refinement Methods, in: "Advances in Parallel Algorithms", Eds. I. Dimov, O. Tonev, IOS Press, The Netherlands, 53-59
  6. Z. Zlatev, I. Dimov, K. Georgiev (1994), Optimizing Large Air Pollution Models on High Speed Computers, in: "Advances in Numerical Methods & Applications", Eds. I. Dimov, Bl. Sendov, P. Vassilevski, World Scientific, Singapore, 309-320
  7. K. Georgiev (1994), Gradient Algorithms for Linear Systems Arising from the Air Pollution Model on MPS 38 , in: "Advances in Numerical Methods & Applications", Eds. I. Dimov, Bl. Sendov, P. Vassilevski, World Scientific, Singapore, 111-119
  8. Z. Zlatev, I. Dimov, K. Georgiev (1995), Experiments with the Danish Eulerian Model, in: "Lecture Notes on Biomathematics and Bioinformatics'95", Ed. M. Candev, DATECS Publ., Sofia, 76-83
  9. Z. Zlatev, I. Dimov, K. Georgiev (1996), J. Wasniewski, Parallel computations with large atmospheric models, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1041 Springer, 550-560
  10. I. Dimov, K. Georgiev, J. Wasniewski, Z. Zlatev (1996), Three-dimensional version of the Danish Eulerian model, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1041, Springer, 151-157, IF
  11. J. Brandt, J. Christensen, I. Dimov, K. Georgiev, I. Uria, Z. Zlatev (1996), Treatment of large air pollution models, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1196, Springer, 66-77 , IF
  12. J. Brandt, I. Dimov, K. Georgiev, J. Wasniewski, Z. Zlatev (1996), Coupling the advection and the chemical parts of large air pollution models, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1184, Springer, 65-76, IF
  13. K. Georgiev (1996), On an Iterative Solution of the Convection-Diffusion Problems, in: Iterative Methods in Linear Algebra, II, Eds. S. Margenov, P. Vassilevski, IMACS, Series in Comp. and Appl. Math., Vol. 3, 80-90
  14. M. Neytcheva, A. Padiy, M. Mellaard, K. Georgiev, O. Axelsson (1996), Scalable and optimal iterative solvers for linear and nonlinear problems, Report No. 9613, Department of Mathematics, University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands
  15. M. Neytcheva, O. Axelsson, K. Georgiev (1966), An application of the AMLI method for solving convection-diffusion problems with potential velocity field, Proc. of Conf. on AMLI with Appl., Nijmegen, The Netherlands, Vol. 2, 197-210
  16. K. Georgiev (1997), Implementation of the additive overlapping domain decomposition method to 3-D elasticity problems, Mathematica Balkanica, 10, 419-433
  17. J. Brandt, I. Dimov, K. Georgiev, I. Uria, Z. Zlatev (1997), Numerical algorithms for the three-dimensional version of the Danish Eulerian Model, in: "Regional Modelling of Air Pollution in Europe" (G. Geernaert, A. Hansen, Z. Zlatev Eds.), 249-262
  18. I. Dimov, K. Georgiev, Z. Zlatev (1998), Long-range transport of air pollutants and sourse-receptor relations, Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics, 62, 155-166, IF
  19. K. Georgiev, Z. Zlatev (1998), Running an advection-chemistry code on message passing computers, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1497, Springer, 354-363, IF
  20. K. Georgiev (1998), Parallel domain decomposition approach for 3D boundary value problems and an implementation on parallel computers, in: "Recent Advances in Numerical Methods & Applications II", Eds. O. Iliev, M. Kaschiev, S. Margenov, Bl. Sendov, P. Vassilevski, World Scientific, Singapore, 473-482
  21. K. Georgiev, Z. Zlatev (1998), Running large scale air pollution models on parallel computers, in: "Air Pollution Modelling and its application XIII", Kluwer Academic/Plenum Press, London - New York, 223-232
  22. K.Georgiev, Z. Zlatev (1999), Parallel sparse matrix algorithm for air pollution models, Parallel and Distributed Computing Practices (Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience), 2, No.4, 429-442, IF
  23. K. Georgiev, Z. Zlatev (1999), Application of parallel algorithms in an air pollution model, NATO Science Series, 2. Environmental Security-Vol.57 "Large Scale Computations in Air Pollution Modelling", Eds. Z. Zlatev, et al,Kluwer Acad. Publ., 173-184
  24. K.Georgiev, Z. Zlatev (2000), Some numerical experiments with the parallel version of the Danish Eulerian Model, Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics, 73, Vieweg, 283-291, IF
  25. K. Georgiev (2000), Two-dimensional computer modelling of long-range transport of air pollutants, Proc. of 9th Int. Symp. “Ecology’2000”, Bourgas, Bulgaria, 74-80
  26. K. Georgiev, J. Wasniewski (2001), Recursive version of LU decomposition, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1988, 325-332, IF
  27. K. Georgiev, Z. Zlatev (2001), Fine-grid resolution in Danish Eulerian model and an implementation on SGI Origin 2000 computer, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2179, Springer, 272-280, IF
  28. I. Dimov, K. Georgiev, Z. Zlatev (2002), Some source-receptor relations studied by the Danish Eulerian Model, Proc. Of 8th Int. Conf. on Harmonisation within atmospheric dispersion modelling for regulatory purposes, Sofia, Bulgaria, 424-428
  29. K. Georgiev, C. Mensink (2002), Parallel implementations of EUROS - the algorithm and some preliminary results, NATO Science, Series 2. Environmental Security, 97 - 105
  30. K. Georgiev (2002), Optimal strategies for parallelization of the EUROS model: design and implementation, Technical Report 2002/TAP/R/041, Flemish Institute for Technological Research, Mol, Belgium
  31. А. Antonov, K. Georgiev, E. Komsalova, Z. Zlatev (2003), Bilinear nonconforming finite elements in an Eulerian air pollution model: Rotational test. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2542, Springer, 379-386, IF
  32. K. Georgiev (2003), An algorithm for parallel implementations of an Eulerian smog model, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2542, pp. 463-470, IF
  33. K. Georgiev, Tz. Ostromsky (2004), Performance results of a large air pollution model on two parallel computers, Int. Journal of Environmental Pollution, 22 (1/2) , pp. 43 - 50, IF
  34. A. Antonov, K. Georgiev, E. Komsalova, Z. Zlatev (2004), Comparison of two local refinement methods for large - scale air pollution simulations, Lecture Notes in Comp. Sci., Vol. 2907, pp. 287-294, IF
  35. I. Dimov, K. Georgiev, Tz. Ostromsky, Z. Zlatev (2004), Computational Challenges in the Numerical Treatment of Large Air Pollution Models, Ecological Modelling, 179, pp. 187 - 203, IF
  36. K. Georgiev, S. Margenov, V. Veliov (2005), Emission Control in Single Species Air Pollution Problems, NATO Science, Series 2. Environmental Security, Springer, Vol. 54, pp. 209 - 218
  37. K. Georgiev, S. Margenov (2005), Higher order non-conforming FEM up-winding, NATO Science, Series 2. Environmental Security, Springer, Vol. 54, pp. 219 - 228
  38. K. Georgiev, Z. Zlatev (2006), Treatment of Large Scientific Problems: An Introduction, Springer, Lecture Notes of Computer Science, 3732 , pp 828 - 830, SJR
  39. K. Georgiev, E. Donev (2006), On some ozone studies: comparison of model results and measurments over the teritory of Bulgaria, Problems in Programming, No. 2-3, 767 - 770
  40. A. Ebel, K. Georgiev, Z. Zlatev (2007), Environmental modelling for security: future needs and development of computer netwoeking, numerics and algorithms, NATO Science, Series 2. Environmental Security, “Air, water and soil quality modelling for risk and impact assessment”, Springer,IV/54 351-356
  41. K. Georgiev (2007), On an implementation of on the TM5 global model on a cluster of workstations, LNCS 4310, Springer, 451 - 457, SJR
  42. K. Georgiev, I. Lirkov, N. Kosturski, S. Margenov (2007), On the computer simulation of heat and mass transfer in vacuum freeze-drying, Proc. of Multiconference on Computer Science and Information Technology, Wisla, Poland, Vol. 2, 493-502, ISSN 1896-7094
  43. K. Georgiev (2007), Model studies of sulfate and sulfur dioxide in the Atmosphere and some comparisons with measurements, NATO Science for Peace and Security Series, D: Information and Communication Security, Vol. 12, 231-239
  44. T. Boyanov, S. Dimova, K. Georgiev, G. Nikolov (Eds.) (2007), "Numerical Methods and Applications”, LNCS 4310, Springer, ISSN 0302-9743, SJR
  45. K. Georgiev, N. Kosturski, S. Margenov (2008), On the Numerical Solution of the Heat Transfer Equation in the Process of Freeze Drying,, LNCS, 4818, Springer, pp. 410 - 416, ISSN 0302-9743, SJR
  46. K. Georgiev, M. Mincsovics (2008), Qualitatively Correct Discretizations in an Air Pollution Model, LNCS, 4818, Springer, pp. 201 - 208, ISSN 0302-9743, SJR
  47. I. Farago, K. Georgiev, Z. Zlatev (2008), Parallelization of advection-diffusion-chemistry modules, LNCS, 4818, Springer, pp. 28 - 39, ISSN 0302-9743, SJR
  48. Z. Zlatev, A. Ebel, K. Georgiev (2008), Large-Scale computations in environmental modelling, IJEP 32 (2), pp. 135-138, ISSN (Print): 0957-4352, IF
  49. K. Georgiev, M. Mincsovics (2008), Qualitatively Correct Discretizations in an Air Pollution Model, LNCS 4818, Springer, pp. 201 - 208, ISSN 0302-9743, SJR
  50. Z. Zlatev, A. Ebel, K. Georgiev, R. San Jose (2008), Large-Scale computations in environmental modelling. An Introduction, Ecological Modelling 217, Issues 3-4, pp. 207-208, Elsevier, ISSN 0304-3800, IF
  51. K. Georgiev, N. Kosturski, S. Margenov, J. Stary (2009), On the adaptive time-stepping for large scale parabolic problems: computer simulation of heat and mass transfer in vacuum freeze-drying, J. of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Elsevier, 226, pp. 268 - 274, ISSN 0377-0427, IF
  52. K. Georgiev, Z. Zlatev (2010), Runs of UNI–DEM Model on IBM BlueGene/P Computer and Analysis of the Model Performance, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5910, pp. 188 - 196, ISSN: 0302-9743, ISBN-10: 3-642-12534-4 Springer, SJR
  53. K. Georgiev, Z. Zlatev (2010), Comparison results of running of the Danish Eulerian model for long-range transport of air pollutants on different kind of high-performance computer architectures, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 40, No. 1, pp. 13 - 22
  54. Z. Zlatev, I. Dimov, I. Farago, K. Georgiev, A. Havasi, Tz. Ostromsky (2011), Implementation of Richardson Extrapolation in the treatmen of one-dimensional advection equations, Lecture Notes on Computer Science (LNCS) 6046, pp. 198-206, Springer, ISSN 0302-9743Z, SJR
  55. Z. Zlatev, I. Dimov, I. Farago, K. Georgiev, A. Havasi and T. Ostromsky, Solving Advection Equations by Applying the Crank-Nicolson Scheme Combined with the Richardson Extrapolation, Int. J. of Differential Equations, 2011, Article ID 520840, 16 pages, 2011. doi:10.1155/2011/520840, IF
  56. K. Georgiev, Z. Zlatev, Implementation of sparse matrix algorithms in an advection- diffusion-chemistry module, J. of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 236, Issue 3, pp.342 – 353, ISSN: 0377-0427, IF
  57. M. Ganzha, K. Georgiev, I. Lirkov, S. Margenov, and M. Paprzycki(2011), Highly Parallel Alternating Directions Algorithm for Time Dependent Problems, AIP Conf. Proc. 1404, doi: 10.1063/1.3659922, SJR
  58. K. Georgiev, Z. Zlatev (2011), Studying air pollution levels in he Balkan peninsula area by using an IBM Blue Gene/P computer, Int. J. Environment and Pollution, 46, Nos. 1/2, pp. 97 - 114, ISSN: 0957-4352, IF
  59. K. Georgiev, Z. Zlatev, A. Ebel (2011), Editorial, Int. J. Environment and Pollution, 46, Nos. 1/2, pp. 1 - 5, ISSN: 0957-4352, IF
  60. K. Liolios, V. Tsihrintzis, K. Moutsopoulos, I. Georgiev, K. Georgiev (2012), Computational approach for remediation procedures in horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetlands, Lecture Note on Computer Science (LNCS), 7116, pp. 299-306 (2012), SJR Index: 0.034, ISSN: 0302-9743, ISBN 978-3-642-31499-5
  61. K. Georgiev, T. Ostromsky, Z. Zlatev (2012), New Parallel Implementation of an Air Pollution Computer Model – Performance Study on an IBM Blue Gene/P Computer, Lecture Note on Computer Science (LNCS), 7116, pp. 283-290 (2012), SJR Index: 0.034, ISSN: 0302-9743, ISBN 978-3-642-31499-5, SJR
  62. K. Georgiev, Z. Zlatev (2012), Numerical experiments with applying approximate LU-factorizations as preconditioners for solving SLAEs with coefficient matrices from the "Sparse Matrix Market", AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1487, pp. 104-111 (2012) SJR Index: 0.033, ISBN: 978-0-7354-1099-2, SJR
  63. Tz. Ostromsky, K. Georgiev, Z. Zlatev (2012), An efficient highly parallel implementation of a large air pollution model on an IBM Blue Gene/P supercomputer, AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1487, pp. 135-142 (2012) SJR Index: 0.033, ISBN: 978-0-7354-1099-2
  64. Z. Zlatev, I. Dimov, I. Farago, K. Georgiev, A. Havasi, Tz. Ostromsky (2012), Solving advection equations by applying the Crank-Nicolson scheme combined with the Richardson extrapolation, Int. J. of Differential Equation, Vol. 2011, Article ID 520840, 16 pages, doi: 10.1155/2011/520840, ISSN: 1687-9651, SJR Index: 1.92
  65. Z. Zlatev, K. Georgiev, I. Dimov (2012), Influence of climatic changes on pollution levels in the Balkan Peninsula, Computers&Mathematics with Applications, doi: 10.1016/j.camwa.2012.07.006, IF:1.747
  66. K. Liolios, S. Radev, A. Liolios, I. Georgiev, K. Georgiev (2012), A Linear Complementarity Numerical Approach to the Non-Convex Problem of Structures Environmentally Damaged and Strengthened by Cable-bracings, Biomath 1, 1212107,
  67. I. Farago, K. Georgiev, A. Havasi, Z. Zlatev (Eds.) (2012), “Efficient Numerical Methods for Scientific Applications”, Special Issue of Computers&Mathematics with Applications, doi: 10.1016/j.camwa.2012.07.006, IF:1.747, ISSN: 0898-122
  68. I. Farago, K. Georgiev, A. Havasi and Z. Zlatev (2013), Efficient numerical methods for scientific applications: Introduction, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 65 (3), Elsevier. ISSN: 0898-1221. Doi: 10.1016/j.camwa.2012.07.005, 297 - 300 IF: 1.747
  69. Zahari Zlatev, Ivan Dimov, and Krassimir Georgiev (2013), Sensitivity of European Pollution Levels to Changes of Human-made Emissions, Chapter of eBook entitled Advanced Numerical Methods for Complex Environmental Models: Needs and Availability (I. Farago, A. Havasi, Z. Zlatev, Eds), eISBN: 978-1-60805-778-8, ISBN: 978-1-60805-777-1
  70. Zahari Zlatev, Krassimir Georgiev, and Ivan Dimov (2013), Parallel Computations in a Large-scale Air Pollution Model, Chapter of eBook entitled Advanced Numerical Methods for Complex Environmental Models: Needs and Availability (I. Farago, A. Havasi, Z. Zlatev, Eds), eISBN: 978-1-60805-778-8, ISBN: 978-1-60805-777-1
  71. 16. Z. Zlatev, K. Georgiev, I. Dimov (2013), Influence of climatic changes on pollution levels in the Balkan Peninsula. Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 65 (3), Elsevier. ISSN: 0898-1221. Doi: 10.1016j.camwa.2012.07.005. IF: 1.747
  72. 17. Z. Zlatev, K. Georgiev (2013), Applying approximate LU-factorizations as preconditioners in eight iterative methods for solving systems of linear algebraic equations, Cent. Eur. J. Math. 11(8) 1510-1530 DOI: 10.2478/s11533-013-0248; IF 0.405
  73. K. Georgiev, N. Kosturski, S. Margenov, Y. Vutov (2013), Parallel algorithms for adaptive time-stepping in radiofrequency liver ablation simulation: implementation on an IBM Blue Gene/P computer, Preprints of Position Papers of the Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, M. Ganzha, L. Maciaszek, M. Paprzycki (editors), 23-26, 2013, ISSN 2300-5963, ISBN 978-83-60810-55-2 (Web), 978-83-60810-56-9 (USB).
  74. K. Georgiev, Z. Zlatev, A. Ebel (Eds.) (2013), «Advanced Applications of Environmental Modelling Systems», Special Issue in Int. J. of Environment and Pollution, Vol. 46, Nos. 1/2, 2011, ISSN: 0957-4352 , 114 p. IF: 0.626
  75. I. Farago, K. Georgiev, A. Havasi, Z. Zlatev (Eds.) (2013), “Efficient Numerical Methods for Scientific Applications”, Special Issue of Computers&Mathematics with Applications, doi: 10.1016/j.camwa.2012.07.006, IF:1.747, ISSN: 0898-122, Vol. 65, No.3, ISSN 0898-1221
  76. Z. Zlatev, K. Georgiev and I. Dimov (2014), Studying absolute stability properties of RE combined with ERKMs, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 65, 2294-2307, (IF 1.936)
  77. Z. Zlatev, I. Dimov, I. Farago, K. Georgiev, A. Havasi, Tz. Ostromsky (2014), Application of Richardson Extrapolation with the Crank–Nicolson Scheme for Multi–dimensional Advection, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 65, 2279-2293, (IF 1.936)
  78. K. Georgiev, N. Kosturski, Y. Vutov (2014), On the Adaptive Time-Stepping in Radio-Frequency Liver Ablation Simulation: Some Preliminary Results, Springer LNCS 8353, 397-404, (SJR 0.31)
  79. Z. Zlatev, K. Georgiev and I. Dimov (2014), Stability properties of explicit Runge-Kutta methods combined with Richardson extrapolation, Springer LNCS, 8353, 428-435, (SJR 0.31)
  80. K. Georgiev, N. Kosturski, S. Margenov and Y. Vutov (2014), Supercomputing simulation of radio-frequency hepatic tumor ablation, Proc. of the first VAST – BAS Workshop on Science and Technology, N. Khoa Son Edt, 2014, ISBN 978-604-913-304-6, 11-18
  81. I. Farago, K. Georgiev, A. Havasi, Z. Zlatev (Eds) (2014), Efficient Algorithms for Large Scale Scientific Computations, Computers&Mathematics with Applications (CAMWA), Vol. 67, No. 12, ISSN 0898-1221, (pp. 2084 - 2307), p. 224, IF
  82. K. Georgiev (Edt) (2014), Numerical Methods for Scientific Computations and Advanced Applications, IICT&Demetra Ltd., ISBN: 978-954-91700-7-8, 147 p
  83. Zahari Zlatev, Krassimir Georgiev, Ivan Dimov (2015), Selecting Explicit Runge-Kutta Methods with Improved Stability Properties, LNCS 9374, pp. 409 - 418, ISBN 978-3-319-26520-9 (SJR: 0.31)
  84. Ang. Liolios, A. Elenas, Ast. Liolios, St. Radev, K. Georgiev, I. Georgiev (2015), Tall RC buildings environmentally degradated and strengthened by cables under multiple earthquakes: A numerical approach, Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences, Springer, 8962, (SJR: 0.31), ISSN: 0302-9743, 187 - 195
  85. Maria Ganzha , Krassimir Georgiev , Ivan Lirkov , Marcin Paprzycki (2015), An application of partition method for solving 3DStokes equation, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, (IF 1.697)
  86. Angelos Liolios , Athanasios Karabintis , Asterios Liolios , Stefan Radev , Krassimir Georgiev, Ivan Georgiev (2015), A computational approach for the seismic damage response under multiple earthquakes excitations of adjacent RC structures strengthened by ties, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, (IF 1.697)
  87. Z. Zlatev, I. Dimov, I. Farago, K. Georgiev, A. Havasi (2016), Stability of the Richardson Extrapolation combined with some implicit Runge-Kutta methods, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, DOI information: 10.1016/, (IF 1.697)
  88. Z. Zlatev, I. Dimov, K. Georgiev, S.Margenov (2016), Numerical Algorithms for Scientific and Engineering Applications, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, DOI information:, (IF 1.697)
  89. K. Liolios, V. Tsihrintzis, K. Georgiev, I. Georgiev (2016), A Computational Investigation of the Optimal Reaction Type Concerning BOD Removal in Horizontal Subsurface Flow Constructed Wetlands, Studies in Computational Intelligence 648 (2016) pp 29–46, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-32207-0_3 (SJR 0.187)
  90. A. Liolios, A. Moropoulou, A. Liolios, K. Georgiev, I. Georgiev (2016), A Computational Approach for the Seismic Sequences Induced Response of Cultural Heritage Structures Upgraded by Ties, Studies in Computational Intelligence 648 (2016) pp 47–-8, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-32207-0_3 (SJR 0.187)
  91. Z. Zlatev, I. Dimov, K. Georgiev (2016), Relations between Climatic Changes and High Pollution Levels in Bulgaria, Open Journal of Applied Sciences, 6, 386-401,
  92. K. Georgiev (Edt) (2016), Numerical Methods for Scientific Computations and Advanced Applications, Fastumprint Ltd., ISBN: 978-619-7223-18-7, 77 p
  93. Harizanov, S., Lirkov, I., Georgiev, K., Paprzycki, M., Ganzha, M. (2017), Performance analysis of a parallel algorithm for restoring large-scale CT images, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 310, Elsevier, 2017, ISSN:0377-0427, DOI:10.1016/, 104-114. SJR:1.104, ISI IF:1.357
  94. Liolios, K., Tsihrintzis, V., Georgiev, K., Georgiev, I. (2017), Geothermal effects for BOD removal in horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetlands: A numerical approach., Studies in Computational Intelligence, 681, Springer International Publishing AG, 2017, ISBN:978-3-319-49543-9, ISSN:1860-949X, DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-49544-6_10, 115-125. SJR:0.246
  95. Blaheta, R., Georgiev, I., Georgiev, K., Jakl, O., Kohut, R., Margenov, S., Stary, J. (2017), High Performance Computing in micromechanics with an application, CYBERNETICS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES, Volume 17, No 5, 2017, ISSN:1314-4081, DOI:10.1515/cait-2017-0050, 5-16. SJR:0.17
  96. Zlatev, Z., Dimov, I., Georgiev, K., Margenov, S. (2017), Numerical algorithms for scientific and engineering applications, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 310, Elsevier, 2017, ISSN:0377-0427, 1-4. SJR:1.08, ISI IF:1.357
  97. Zlatev, Z., Dimov, I., Farago, I., Georgiev, K., Havasi, A. (2017), Stability of the Richardson Extrapolation combined with some implicit Runge–Kutta methods, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 310, Elsevier, 2017, ISSN:0377-0427, 224-240. SJR:1.08, ISI IF:1.357
  98. Liolios, K., Tsihrintzis, V., Angelidis, P., Georgiev, K., Georgiev, I. (2018), Total phosphorus removal in horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetlands: A computational investigation for the optimal adsorption model, Studies in Computational Intelligence, 728, Springer International Publishing AG, 2018, ISBN:978-3-319-65529-1, ISSN:1860-949X, DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-65530-7_11, 109-121. SJR:0.246
  99. Liolios, A., Liolios, K., Moropoulou, A., Georgiev, K., Georgiev, I. (2018), Cultural Heritage RC Structures Environmentally Degradated: Optimal Seismic Upgrading by Tention-Ties under Shear Effects, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 10665, Springer, 2018, ISSN:0302-9743, DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-73441-5_57, 516-526. SJR:0.315
  100. Zlatev, Z., Dimov, I., Georgiev, K., Blaheta, R. (2018), Using Advanced Mathematical Tools in Complex Studies Related to Climate Changes and High Pollution Levels, LNCS, 10665, Springer, 2018, ISSN:0302-9743, 552-559. SJR:0.315
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