Krassimir Georgiev
List of selected publications
- S. Margenov, K. Georgiev (1992), On Domain Decomposition Preconditioning of
Plane Elasticity Problems, Mathematica Balkanica, 6,
- S. Margenov, K. Georgiev (1992), On the Domain Decomposition Methods for
Elliptic Problems with Discontinues Coefficients, Numerical
Algorithms, 12, 281-292, IF
- O. Axelsson, K. Georgiev, M. Neytcheva (1993), Symmetric Numerical
Scheme for some Convection-Diffusion Problems,
in: "Scientific Computation and Mathematical Modeling", Ed. S. Markov, DATECS Publ., Sofia, 55-58
- Z. Zlatev, I. Dimov, K. Georgiev (1994), Modeling the Long-Range Transport
of Air Pollutants, IEEE Computational Sciences & Engineering, Vol. 1 ,
3, 45-52, IF
- K. Georgiev, S. Margenov (1994), On Efficient Coupling of Domain
Decomposition and Pointwise Newest Vertex Local Refinement Methods, in:
"Advances in Parallel Algorithms", Eds. I. Dimov, O. Tonev, IOS Press, The
Netherlands, 53-59
- Z. Zlatev, I. Dimov, K. Georgiev (1994), Optimizing Large Air Pollution Models on High Speed Computers,
in: "Advances in Numerical Methods & Applications", Eds. I. Dimov, Bl. Sendov,
P. Vassilevski, World Scientific, Singapore, 309-320
- K. Georgiev (1994), Gradient Algorithms for Linear Systems Arising
from the Air Pollution Model on MPS 38 ,
in: "Advances in Numerical Methods & Applications",
Eds. I. Dimov, Bl. Sendov, P. Vassilevski, World Scientific, Singapore, 111-119
- Z. Zlatev, I. Dimov, K. Georgiev (1995), Experiments with the
Danish Eulerian Model,
in: "Lecture Notes on Biomathematics and Bioinformatics'95", Ed. M. Candev, DATECS Publ., Sofia, 76-83
- Z. Zlatev, I. Dimov, K. Georgiev (1996), J. Wasniewski, Parallel computations
with large atmospheric models, Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
1041 Springer, 550-560
- I. Dimov, K. Georgiev, J. Wasniewski, Z. Zlatev (1996),
Three-dimensional version of the Danish Eulerian model,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1041, Springer, 151-157, IF
- J. Brandt, J. Christensen, I. Dimov, K. Georgiev, I. Uria, Z. Zlatev
(1996), Treatment of large air pollution models,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1196, Springer, 66-77 , IF
- J. Brandt, I. Dimov, K. Georgiev, J. Wasniewski, Z. Zlatev (1996),
Coupling the advection and the chemical parts of large air pollution
models, Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
1184, Springer, 65-76, IF
- K. Georgiev (1996), On an Iterative Solution of the Convection-Diffusion
Problems, in: Iterative Methods in Linear Algebra, II,
Eds. S. Margenov, P. Vassilevski,
IMACS, Series in Comp. and Appl. Math., Vol. 3, 80-90
- M. Neytcheva, A. Padiy, M. Mellaard, K. Georgiev, O. Axelsson (1996), Scalable
and optimal iterative solvers for linear and nonlinear problems,
Report No. 9613, Department of Mathematics,
University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands
- M. Neytcheva, O. Axelsson, K. Georgiev (1966), An application of the AMLI
method for solving convection-diffusion problems with potential velocity field,
Proc. of Conf. on AMLI with Appl., Nijmegen, The Netherlands,
Vol. 2, 197-210
- K. Georgiev (1997), Implementation of the additive overlapping domain
decomposition method to 3-D elasticity problems, Mathematica Balkanica,
10, 419-433
- J. Brandt, I. Dimov, K. Georgiev, I. Uria, Z. Zlatev (1997),
Numerical algorithms for the three-dimensional version of the Danish
Eulerian Model, in: "Regional Modelling of Air Pollution in Europe"
(G. Geernaert, A. Hansen, Z. Zlatev Eds.), 249-262
- I. Dimov, K. Georgiev, Z. Zlatev (1998),
Long-range transport of air pollutants and sourse-receptor relations,
Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics, 62, 155-166, IF
- K. Georgiev, Z. Zlatev (1998),
Running an advection-chemistry code on message passing computers,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1497, Springer, 354-363, IF
- K. Georgiev (1998),
Parallel domain decomposition approach for 3D
boundary value problems and an implementation on parallel computers,
in: "Recent Advances in Numerical Methods & Applications II",
Eds. O. Iliev, M. Kaschiev, S. Margenov, Bl. Sendov, P. Vassilevski,
World Scientific, Singapore, 473-482
- K. Georgiev, Z. Zlatev (1998),
Running large scale air pollution models on parallel computers,
in: "Air Pollution Modelling and its application XIII",
Kluwer Academic/Plenum Press, London - New York, 223-232
- K.Georgiev, Z. Zlatev (1999),
Parallel sparse matrix algorithm for air pollution models,
Parallel and Distributed Computing Practices (Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience),
2, No.4, 429-442, IF
- K. Georgiev, Z. Zlatev (1999),
Application of parallel algorithms in an air pollution model,
NATO Science Series, 2. Environmental
Security-Vol.57 "Large Scale Computations in Air Pollution Modelling",
Eds. Z. Zlatev, et al,Kluwer Acad. Publ., 173-184
- K.Georgiev, Z. Zlatev (2000),
Some numerical experiments with the parallel version of the Danish
Eulerian Model,
Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics, 73, Vieweg, 283-291, IF
- K. Georgiev (2000), Two-dimensional computer modelling of long-range transport of air pollutants,
Proc. of 9th Int. Symp. “Ecology’2000”, Bourgas, Bulgaria, 74-80
- K. Georgiev, J. Wasniewski (2001),
Recursive version of LU decomposition,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1988, 325-332, IF
- K. Georgiev, Z. Zlatev (2001),
Fine-grid resolution in Danish Eulerian model and an implementation on SGI Origin 2000 computer,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2179, Springer, 272-280, IF
- I. Dimov, K. Georgiev, Z. Zlatev (2002),
Some source-receptor relations studied by the Danish Eulerian Model,
Proc. Of 8th Int. Conf. on Harmonisation within atmospheric dispersion modelling for regulatory purposes,
Sofia, Bulgaria, 424-428
- K. Georgiev, C. Mensink (2002),
Parallel implementations of EUROS - the algorithm and some preliminary
NATO Science, Series 2. Environmental Security, 97 - 105
- K. Georgiev (2002),
Optimal strategies for parallelization of the EUROS model:
design and implementation,
Technical Report 2002/TAP/R/041, Flemish Institute for Technological
Research, Mol, Belgium
- А. Antonov, K. Georgiev, E. Komsalova, Z. Zlatev (2003),
Bilinear nonconforming finite elements in an Eulerian air pollution
model: Rotational test.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2542, Springer, 379-386, IF
- K. Georgiev (2003),
An algorithm for parallel implementations of an Eulerian smog model,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2542, pp. 463-470, IF
- K. Georgiev, Tz. Ostromsky (2004),
Performance results of a large air pollution model on two parallel computers,
Int. Journal of Environmental Pollution, 22 (1/2) , pp. 43 - 50, IF
- A. Antonov, K. Georgiev, E. Komsalova, Z. Zlatev (2004),
Comparison of two local refinement methods for large - scale air pollution simulations,
Lecture Notes in Comp. Sci., Vol. 2907, pp. 287-294, IF
- I. Dimov, K. Georgiev, Tz. Ostromsky, Z. Zlatev (2004),
Computational Challenges in the Numerical Treatment of Large Air
Pollution Models,
Ecological Modelling, 179, pp. 187 - 203, IF
- K. Georgiev, S. Margenov, V. Veliov (2005),
Emission Control in Single Species Air Pollution Problems,
NATO Science, Series 2. Environmental Security, Springer,
Vol. 54, pp. 209 - 218
- K. Georgiev, S. Margenov (2005),
Higher order non-conforming FEM up-winding,
NATO Science, Series 2. Environmental Security, Springer,
Vol. 54, pp. 219 - 228
- K. Georgiev, Z. Zlatev (2006),
Treatment of Large Scientific Problems: An Introduction,
Springer, Lecture Notes of Computer Science, 3732 , pp 828 - 830, SJR
- K. Georgiev, E. Donev (2006),
On some ozone studies: comparison of model results and measurments over the teritory of Bulgaria,
Problems in Programming, No. 2-3, 767 - 770
- A. Ebel, K. Georgiev, Z. Zlatev (2007),
Environmental modelling for security: future needs and development of computer netwoeking,
numerics and algorithms,
NATO Science, Series 2. Environmental Security,
“Air, water and soil quality modelling for risk and impact
assessment”, Springer,IV/54 351-356
- K. Georgiev (2007),
On an implementation of on the TM5 global model on a cluster
of workstations,
LNCS 4310, Springer, 451 - 457, SJR
- K. Georgiev, I. Lirkov, N. Kosturski, S. Margenov (2007),
On the computer simulation of heat and mass transfer in vacuum
Proc. of Multiconference on Computer Science and Information Technology,
Wisla, Poland, Vol. 2, 493-502, ISSN 1896-7094
- K. Georgiev (2007),
Model studies of sulfate and sulfur dioxide in the Atmosphere and
some comparisons with measurements,
NATO Science for Peace and Security Series, D: Information and Communication Security, Vol. 12, 231-239
- T. Boyanov, S. Dimova, K. Georgiev, G. Nikolov (Eds.) (2007),
"Numerical Methods and Applications”,
LNCS 4310, Springer, ISSN 0302-9743, SJR
- K. Georgiev, N. Kosturski, S. Margenov (2008),
On the Numerical Solution of the Heat
Transfer Equation in the Process of Freeze Drying,, LNCS, 4818, Springer, pp. 410 - 416,
ISSN 0302-9743, SJR
- K. Georgiev, M. Mincsovics (2008),
Qualitatively Correct Discretizations in an Air Pollution Model, LNCS, 4818, Springer,
pp. 201 - 208, ISSN 0302-9743, SJR
- I. Farago, K. Georgiev, Z. Zlatev (2008),
Parallelization of advection-diffusion-chemistry modules, LNCS, 4818, Springer, pp. 28 - 39,
ISSN 0302-9743, SJR
- Z. Zlatev, A. Ebel, K. Georgiev (2008),
Large-Scale computations in environmental modelling, IJEP 32 (2), pp. 135-138,
ISSN (Print): 0957-4352, IF
- K. Georgiev, M. Mincsovics (2008),
Qualitatively Correct Discretizations in an Air Pollution Model, LNCS 4818,
Springer, pp. 201 - 208, ISSN 0302-9743, SJR
- Z. Zlatev, A. Ebel, K. Georgiev, R. San Jose (2008),
Large-Scale computations in environmental modelling. An Introduction, Ecological Modelling 217,
Issues 3-4, pp.
207-208, Elsevier, ISSN 0304-3800, IF
- K. Georgiev, N. Kosturski, S. Margenov, J. Stary (2009),
On the adaptive time-stepping for large scale parabolic problems: computer simulation of heat and mass
transfer in vacuum freeze-drying, J. of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Elsevier, 226,
pp. 268 - 274, ISSN 0377-0427, IF
- K. Georgiev, Z. Zlatev (2010),
Runs of UNI–DEM Model on IBM BlueGene/P Computer and Analysis of the Model Performance,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5910, pp. 188 - 196, ISSN: 0302-9743, ISBN-10: 3-642-12534-4
Springer, SJR
- K. Georgiev, Z. Zlatev (2010),
Comparison results of running of the Danish Eulerian model for long-range transport of air
pollutants on different kind of high-performance computer architectures, Journal of
Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 40, No. 1, pp. 13 - 22
- Z. Zlatev, I. Dimov, I. Farago, K. Georgiev, A. Havasi, Tz. Ostromsky (2011),
Implementation of Richardson Extrapolation in the treatmen of one-dimensional advection equations,
Lecture Notes on Computer Science (LNCS) 6046, pp. 198-206, Springer, ISSN 0302-9743Z, SJR
- Z. Zlatev, I. Dimov, I. Farago, K. Georgiev, A. Havasi and T. Ostromsky,
Solving Advection Equations by Applying the Crank-Nicolson Scheme Combined with the Richardson
Extrapolation, Int. J. of Differential Equations, 2011, Article ID 520840, 16 pages,
2011. doi:10.1155/2011/520840, IF
- K. Georgiev, Z. Zlatev,
Implementation of sparse matrix algorithms in an advection-
diffusion-chemistry module, J. of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 236, Issue 3,
pp.342 – 353, ISSN: 0377-0427, IF
- M. Ganzha, K. Georgiev, I. Lirkov, S. Margenov, and M. Paprzycki(2011),
Highly Parallel Alternating Directions Algorithm for Time Dependent Problems, AIP Conf.
Proc. 1404, doi: 10.1063/1.3659922, SJR
- K. Georgiev, Z. Zlatev (2011),
Studying air pollution levels in he Balkan peninsula area by using an IBM Blue Gene/P computer,
Int. J. Environment and Pollution, 46, Nos. 1/2, pp. 97 - 114, ISSN: 0957-4352, IF
- K. Georgiev, Z. Zlatev, A. Ebel (2011),
Editorial, Int. J. Environment and Pollution, 46, Nos.
1/2, pp. 1 - 5, ISSN: 0957-4352, IF
- K. Liolios, V. Tsihrintzis, K. Moutsopoulos, I. Georgiev, K. Georgiev (2012),
Computational approach for remediation procedures in horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetlands,
Lecture Note on Computer Science (LNCS), 7116, pp. 299-306 (2012), SJR Index: 0.034,
ISSN: 0302-9743, ISBN 978-3-642-31499-5
- K. Georgiev, T. Ostromsky, Z. Zlatev (2012),
New Parallel Implementation of an Air Pollution Computer Model – Performance Study on an
IBM Blue Gene/P Computer, Lecture Note on Computer Science (LNCS), 7116, pp. 283-290 (2012),
SJR Index: 0.034, ISSN: 0302-9743, ISBN 978-3-642-31499-5, SJR
- K. Georgiev, Z. Zlatev (2012),
Numerical experiments with applying approximate LU-factorizations as preconditioners for solving SLAEs
with coefficient matrices from the "Sparse Matrix Market", AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1487,
pp. 104-111 (2012) SJR Index: 0.033, ISBN: 978-0-7354-1099-2, SJR
- Tz. Ostromsky, K. Georgiev, Z. Zlatev (2012),
An efficient highly parallel implementation of a large air pollution model on an IBM Blue Gene/P
supercomputer, AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1487, pp. 135-142 (2012) SJR
Index: 0.033, ISBN: 978-0-7354-1099-2
- Z. Zlatev, I. Dimov, I. Farago, K. Georgiev, A. Havasi, Tz. Ostromsky (2012),
Solving advection equations by applying the Crank-Nicolson scheme combined with the Richardson
extrapolation, Int. J. of Differential Equation, Vol. 2011, Article ID 520840, 16 pages,
doi: 10.1155/2011/520840, ISSN: 1687-9651, SJR Index: 1.92
- Z. Zlatev, K. Georgiev, I. Dimov (2012),
Influence of climatic changes on pollution levels in the Balkan Peninsula,
Computers&Mathematics with Applications, doi: 10.1016/j.camwa.2012.07.006, IF:1.747
- K. Liolios, S. Radev, A. Liolios, I. Georgiev, K. Georgiev (2012),
A Linear Complementarity Numerical Approach to the Non-Convex Problem of Structures Environmentally
Damaged and Strengthened by Cable-bracings, Biomath 1, 1212107,
- I. Farago, K. Georgiev, A. Havasi, Z. Zlatev (Eds.) (2012), “Efficient Numerical Methods for
Scientific Applications”, Special Issue of Computers&Mathematics with Applications,
doi: 10.1016/j.camwa.2012.07.006, IF:1.747, ISSN: 0898-122
- I. Farago, K. Georgiev, A. Havasi and Z. Zlatev (2013),
Efficient numerical methods for scientific applications: Introduction,
Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 65 (3), Elsevier. ISSN: 0898-1221.
Doi: 10.1016/j.camwa.2012.07.005, 297 - 300 IF: 1.747
- Zahari Zlatev, Ivan Dimov, and Krassimir Georgiev (2013), Sensitivity of European Pollution
Levels to Changes of Human-made Emissions, Chapter of eBook entitled Advanced Numerical Methods for
Complex Environmental Models: Needs and Availability (I. Farago, A. Havasi, Z. Zlatev, Eds),
eISBN: 978-1-60805-778-8, ISBN: 978-1-60805-777-1
- Zahari Zlatev, Krassimir Georgiev, and Ivan Dimov (2013),
Parallel Computations in a Large-scale Air Pollution Model, Chapter of eBook entitled Advanced
Numerical Methods for Complex Environmental Models: Needs and Availability (I. Farago, A. Havasi,
Z. Zlatev, Eds), eISBN: 978-1-60805-778-8, ISBN: 978-1-60805-777-1
- 16. Z. Zlatev, K. Georgiev, I. Dimov (2013),
Influence of climatic changes on pollution levels in the Balkan Peninsula. Computers and
Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 65 (3), Elsevier. ISSN: 0898-1221. Doi: 10.1016j.camwa.2012.07.005.
IF: 1.747
- 17. Z. Zlatev, K. Georgiev (2013),
Applying approximate LU-factorizations as preconditioners in eight iterative methods for solving
systems of linear algebraic equations, Cent. Eur. J. Math. 11(8) 1510-1530
DOI: 10.2478/s11533-013-0248; IF 0.405
- K. Georgiev, N. Kosturski, S. Margenov, Y. Vutov (2013),
Parallel algorithms for adaptive time-stepping in radiofrequency liver ablation simulation:
implementation on an IBM Blue Gene/P computer, Preprints of Position Papers of the
Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, M. Ganzha, L. Maciaszek, M. Paprzycki (editors),
23-26, 2013, ISSN 2300-5963, ISBN 978-83-60810-55-2 (Web), 978-83-60810-56-9 (USB).
- K. Georgiev, Z. Zlatev, A. Ebel (Eds.) (2013),
«Advanced Applications of Environmental Modelling Systems», Special Issue in Int. J. of Environment
and Pollution, Vol. 46, Nos. 1/2, 2011, ISSN: 0957-4352 , 114 p. IF: 0.626
- I. Farago, K. Georgiev, A. Havasi, Z. Zlatev (Eds.) (2013), “Efficient Numerical Methods for
Scientific Applications”, Special Issue of Computers&Mathematics with Applications,
doi: 10.1016/j.camwa.2012.07.006, IF:1.747, ISSN: 0898-122, Vol. 65, No.3, ISSN 0898-1221
- Z. Zlatev, K. Georgiev and I. Dimov (2014),
Studying absolute stability properties of RE combined with ERKMs, Computers and Mathematics
with Applications, Vol. 65, 2294-2307, (IF 1.936)
- Z. Zlatev, I. Dimov, I. Farago, K. Georgiev, A. Havasi, Tz. Ostromsky (2014),
Application of Richardson Extrapolation with the Crank–Nicolson Scheme for Multi–dimensional Advection,
Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 65, 2279-2293, (IF 1.936)
- K. Georgiev, N. Kosturski, Y. Vutov (2014),
On the Adaptive Time-Stepping in Radio-Frequency Liver Ablation Simulation: Some Preliminary Results,
Springer LNCS 8353, 397-404, (SJR 0.31)
- Z. Zlatev, K. Georgiev and I. Dimov (2014),
Stability properties of explicit Runge-Kutta methods combined with Richardson extrapolation,
Springer LNCS, 8353, 428-435, (SJR 0.31)
- K. Georgiev, N. Kosturski, S. Margenov and Y. Vutov (2014), Supercomputing simulation of radio-frequency
hepatic tumor ablation, Proc. of the first VAST – BAS Workshop on Science and Technology, N. Khoa Son Edt, 2014,
ISBN 978-604-913-304-6, 11-18
- I. Farago, K. Georgiev, A. Havasi, Z. Zlatev (Eds) (2014),
Efficient Algorithms for Large Scale Scientific Computations, Computers&Mathematics with Applications (CAMWA),
Vol. 67, No. 12, ISSN 0898-1221, (pp. 2084 - 2307), p. 224, IF
- K. Georgiev (Edt) (2014),
Numerical Methods for Scientific Computations and Advanced Applications, IICT&Demetra Ltd.,
ISBN: 978-954-91700-7-8, 147 p
- Zahari Zlatev, Krassimir Georgiev, Ivan Dimov (2015),
Selecting Explicit Runge-Kutta Methods with Improved Stability Properties, LNCS 9374,
pp. 409 - 418, ISBN 978-3-319-26520-9 (SJR: 0.31)
- Ang. Liolios, A. Elenas, Ast. Liolios, St. Radev, K. Georgiev, I. Georgiev (2015),
Tall RC buildings environmentally degradated and strengthened by cables under multiple earthquakes:
A numerical approach, Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences, Springer, 8962, (SJR: 0.31),
ISSN: 0302-9743, 187 - 195
- Maria Ganzha , Krassimir Georgiev , Ivan Lirkov , Marcin Paprzycki (2015),
An application of partition method for solving 3DStokes equation, Computers and Mathematics with
Applications, (IF 1.697)
- Angelos Liolios , Athanasios Karabintis , Asterios Liolios , Stefan Radev , Krassimir Georgiev,
Ivan Georgiev (2015),
A computational approach for the seismic damage response under multiple earthquakes excitations of
adjacent RC structures strengthened by ties, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, (IF 1.697)
- Z. Zlatev, I. Dimov, I. Farago, K. Georgiev, A. Havasi (2016), Stability of the Richardson
Extrapolation combined with some implicit Runge-Kutta methods, Journal of Computational and
Applied Mathematics, DOI information: 10.1016/, (IF 1.697)
- Z. Zlatev, I. Dimov, K. Georgiev, S.Margenov (2016),
Numerical Algorithms for Scientific and Engineering Applications, Journal of Computational
and Applied Mathematics, DOI information:, (IF 1.697)
- K. Liolios, V. Tsihrintzis, K. Georgiev, I. Georgiev (2016),
A Computational Investigation of the Optimal Reaction Type Concerning BOD Removal in Horizontal
Subsurface Flow Constructed Wetlands, Studies in Computational Intelligence 648 (2016) pp 29–46,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-32207-0_3 (SJR 0.187)
- A. Liolios, A. Moropoulou, A. Liolios, K. Georgiev, I. Georgiev (2016),
A Computational Approach for the Seismic Sequences Induced Response of Cultural Heritage Structures
Upgraded by Ties, Studies in Computational Intelligence 648 (2016) pp 47–-8,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-32207-0_3 (SJR 0.187)
- Z. Zlatev, I. Dimov, K. Georgiev (2016),
Relations between Climatic Changes and High Pollution Levels in Bulgaria,
Open Journal of Applied Sciences, 6, 386-401,
- K. Georgiev (Edt) (2016),
Numerical Methods for Scientific Computations and Advanced Applications,
Fastumprint Ltd., ISBN: 978-619-7223-18-7, 77 p
- Harizanov, S., Lirkov, I., Georgiev, K., Paprzycki, M., Ganzha, M. (2017),
Performance analysis of a parallel algorithm for restoring large-scale CT images,
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 310, Elsevier, 2017, ISSN:0377-0427,
DOI:10.1016/, 104-114. SJR:1.104, ISI IF:1.357
- Liolios, K., Tsihrintzis, V., Georgiev, K., Georgiev, I. (2017),
Geothermal effects for BOD removal in horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetlands: A numerical approach.,
Studies in Computational Intelligence, 681, Springer International Publishing AG, 2017, ISBN:978-3-319-49543-9,
ISSN:1860-949X, DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-49544-6_10, 115-125. SJR:0.246
- Blaheta, R., Georgiev, I., Georgiev, K., Jakl, O., Kohut, R., Margenov, S., Stary, J. (2017),
High Performance Computing in micromechanics with an application,
DOI:10.1515/cait-2017-0050, 5-16. SJR:0.17
- Zlatev, Z., Dimov, I., Georgiev, K., Margenov, S. (2017),
Numerical algorithms for scientific and engineering applications,
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 310, Elsevier, 2017, ISSN:0377-0427, 1-4. SJR:1.08, ISI IF:1.357
- Zlatev, Z., Dimov, I., Farago, I., Georgiev, K., Havasi, A. (2017),
Stability of the Richardson Extrapolation combined with some implicit Runge–Kutta methods,
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 310, Elsevier, 2017, ISSN:0377-0427, 224-240. SJR:1.08, ISI IF:1.357
- Liolios, K., Tsihrintzis, V., Angelidis, P., Georgiev, K., Georgiev, I. (2018),
Total phosphorus removal in horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetlands: A computational investigation for the
optimal adsorption model, Studies in Computational Intelligence, 728, Springer International Publishing AG, 2018,
ISBN:978-3-319-65529-1, ISSN:1860-949X, DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-65530-7_11, 109-121. SJR:0.246
- Liolios, A., Liolios, K., Moropoulou, A., Georgiev, K., Georgiev, I. (2018),
Cultural Heritage RC Structures Environmentally Degradated: Optimal Seismic Upgrading by Tention-Ties under Shear
Effects, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 10665, Springer, 2018, ISSN:0302-9743, DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-73441-5_57,
516-526. SJR:0.315
- Zlatev, Z., Dimov, I., Georgiev, K., Blaheta, R. (2018),
Using Advanced Mathematical Tools in Complex Studies Related to Climate Changes and High Pollution Levels,
LNCS, 10665, Springer, 2018, ISSN:0302-9743, 552-559. SJR:0.315