Multiscale will provide Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) driven contributions to industry, health care and environmental protection, that is to the Society of Knowledge.
The project is extremely relevant with the priorities of the ongoing 7th FP of EC. Multiscale will develop advanced ICT tools supporting some of the most challenging topics of the National Centre for Information Technologies and the planned Regional Centre for Supercomputer Applications.
Multiscale has a strongly expressed interdisciplinary motivation. The project team is built up to solve the addressed problems. The balanced blending of internationally recognised experienced researchers from academic institutions, universities and consultants from industrial/medical practice, as well as Ph.D. students and young researchers, strictly follows the rules of the National Science Fund and the EC polices for strengthening the European Research Area. The collaboration with leading researchers from Europe and US will contribute to the success of the project.
The following advanced ICT technologies are integrated in the Multiscale methodology: a) Computer tomography and related image processing; b) Parallel computing; c) Grid supported applications.
The Basic Organisation, the Institute for Parallel Processing, is a leader in the development of advanced ICT research infrastructure. It hosts the National Grid Centre.
The next three high tech applications well illustrate the potential socio-economic impact of Multiscale: a) Porous materials: enhanced filtration technologies; heat and mass transfer in molecular absorption units; virtual design of porous materials in civil engineering; b) Multiscale simulation in biomechanics and medicine: bone modelling (specially targeted to osteoporosis diseases); blood cells production and regulation modelling related to pathological haematological diseases; c) Environmental geonics: virtual design of geocomposites; multiscale and multiphysics issues of waste reposition and remediation of polluted soil layers.