Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

Eight International Conference on
Numerical Methods and Applications

August 20 – 24, 2014, Borovets, Bulgaria




Invited speakers
Scientific program
Special sessions
Conference fee
Important dates


The abstracts of all accepted talks will be published in a booklet of abstracts. All participants will
obtain their copies of this booklet at
registration. The abstract (up to 1 page stating clearly the
originality of the results) are to be written in standard LaTeX. The authors are highly encouraged
to use following template.

Please, send your abstracts at the conference e-mail address: nma2014 at parallel.bas.bg,
indicate the special session (if it is applicable), and send a copy to the session organizer.

It is assumed that one participant will present not more than one talk.


LNCS Proceedings
Proceedings (in a book form), of only refereed and presented papers,
will be published by Springer as Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) post-proceedings. The length of the papers should not exceed 12 pages
for key and invited lectures, and 8 pages for contributed talks. The source
file has to be prepared in LaTeX2e using the Springer class file llncs.cls.
You may take llncs.dem as a sample source input file for your own input
and you can prepare the references as Springer requests. You can
download the needed files from

Submission of manuscripts

The papers are to be sent to: nma2014@parallel.bas.bg . If it is the case please indicate the special session and send a copy to the session organizer. It is highly recommended to pepare the source file in LaTex2e using the Springer class llncs.cls and you can prepare the references as Springer requests. You can download the needed files from: http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html

Submission of final version articles

For submission of the final version of the articles in case of multiple source files (tex, eps, ps, ect.), please make one archive (zip, tgz or tar) You may sent also letters with explanations to the referees to nma2014 at parallel.bas.bg.

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           Last updated:
    May 30, 2014