1. Typing area. The correct typing area is 135 mm x 205 mm. Text system printout must adhere to this. Make sure the typing area is completely filled. Set the margins so that they precisely match the outline and type right from the top to the bottom line. Figures and tables must be completely within the typing area.
  2. Type. Best results will be achieved by the use of TeX/LaTex. LaTeX style files can be obtained on the Internet under the URL:
    If possible, use "Times Roman" as typeface at 10 pt. As a rule of thumb, the smallest (capital) letters used should not become smaller than 2mm.
  3. Line spacing should be 12 pt = 4.1 mm. Start on top of the page and leave sufficient space for the title to stand out clearly.
    Paper title and headings must be centered, sub-headings be placed to the left.
    Place name and complete address below title.
    Start with 10 line summary.
    However, do not use a new page for the beginning of subdivisions of chapters. Leave three lines blank above and two below headings of such subdivisions. Make sure headings of equal importance are in the same form.
  4. Footnotes should be avoided. In exceptional cases, place them at the foot of the page, separated from the text by a line 4 cm long, and type them in small typeface (9 pt) with 11 pt space between, but make sure that they are not placed outside the of the frame.
  5. Symbols. Anything which cannot be typed may be entered by hand in ink. A fine-tipped rapidograph is suitable for this purpose; a good black ball-point will do, but a pencil will not. Do not draw straight lines by hand without a ruler, not even in fractions. Carelessly written formulae may lead to the rejection of the manuscript.
  6. Equation Numbers are to be placed to the right in parentheses '( )'. Use punctuation marks in equation, too.
  7. Emphasis. Words to be emphasized are to be typed in italics.
  8. Literature References. These should be placed at the end of the paper. Type them with 9 pt typeface in 11 pt line spacing and start each reference on a new line. In the text cite them in brackets '[ ]'.
  9. Figures. Mark spaces in the text to fit any figures to be inserted and add two lines of spacing above and below them. Type legends to figures in small typeface (9 pt) with 11 pt spacing and place them on the page below the figures. Leave appropriate space before continuing the running text.
    Use for the figures either original line drawings or positive copies. Check that lines and points on copies are uniformly black. Paste them into the spaces left for this purpose. When positive copies are used, please attach the originals. Letters or numerals on figures should be about 3mm high, but in any case not smaller than the characters on the text system.
  10. Obtain the copyright for any figure or table, which you reproduce from other publications or reports, including your own. Make the proper references and acknowledgments.
  11. Tables. Frame tables completely. Put the table caption single spaced above the table. Place them into the text like the figures, (item 9), i.e. in 9 pt with 11 pt spacing.
  12. Pagination. Number pages in the upper right hand corner outside the typing area in light blue or green crayon only. The final pagination will be done by the editor of your volume.
  13. Corrections. When corrections have to be made without using a text system, cut the new text to fit and paste it over the old. White correction fluid may also be used. Never make corrections or insertions in the text by hand. If the typescript has to be marked for any reason, e.g. for temporary page numbers or to mark corrections for the typist, this can be done very faintly with blue or green crayon but no other colour, and outside the typing area.
  14. Number of pages. Do not use more pages for your paper than have been allotted to you by the editor.
  15. Packing. To avoid damage in the mail, cover the manuscript with cardboard. Send it as soon as possible to the editor.
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