Blagovest Sendov's Home Page:


  1. Convergence of the derivatives of the linear operators, in: Constructive function theory, Conf. in Blagoevgrad 1977, Publ. BAS, Sofia, 1980, 131-143 (in Russian).
  2. On the estimate of the approximation with the Fejer's interpolational polynomial, C. r. Acad. Bulgare Sci., 33, (1980), n. 11, 1447-1450 (with T. Mills).
  3. Some Topics of Segment Analysis, Interval Mathematics 1980, Ed. L. E. Nickel, Academic Press, 1980, 203-222.
  4. Hausdorff synthesis of antenna lattices for scanning diagram of orientation. Electroprom. and priborostr., Sofia, 5 (1981), 203-205 (with N. Kjurkchiev and others, in Bulgarian).
  5. Some principals of mathematical modeling, Impact of science on society, 31, (1981), n. 4, 375-379.
  6. Quelques principes de la modelisation mathematique, Impact: science et societe, 31, (1981), n. 4, 391-395.
  7. On the Constants of H. Whitney, C. r. Acad. Bulgare Sci., 35, (1982), n. 4, 431-434.
  8. A New Proof of the H. Whitney's Theorem, C. r. Acad. Bulgare Sci., 35, (1982), n. 5, 609-611.
  9. Computation techniques, computer and education, Impact of science and society, (1982) n. 1-2, 153-158 (in Russian).
  10. Modified Steklov's function, C. r. Acad. Bulgare Sci., 36, (1983), n. 3, 315-317 (in Russian).
  11. Convergence of Numerical Methods, in: Constructive function Theory '81, Sofia, 1983, 513-518.
  12. Averaged moduli of smoothness, Publ. BAS, Sofia, 1983 (with V. Popov, in Bulgarian).
  13. Academician Ljubomir Iliev in the occasion of his 70 years, Fiz.-math, sp., Sofia, 29, (1983) n. 3, 169- 171 (in Bulgarian).
  14. Academician Andrei Nikolaevich Kolmogorov (in the occasion of his 80 years jubilee), Fiz.-math, sp., Sofia, 29, (1983) n. 5, 72-74 (in Bulgarian).
  15. On a Theorem of H. Whitney, in: Constructive function Theory '84, Sofia, 1984, 808-813.
  16. To Academician L. Iliev's 70th Anniversary, in: Math. struct., Comput. math., Math. modeling, BAS, Sofia, 1984, 5-7, 10-12 (in Russian).
  17. Bulgarian Academy of Sciences in 105 years, Spisanie BAS, Sofia, 20, (1984), n. 5, 5-9 (in Bulgarian).
  18. The Constants of H. Whitney are Bounded, C. r. Acad. Bulgare Sci., 38, (1985), n. 10, 1299-1302.
  19. Mathematical analysis, Publ. Moscow University, Moscow, 1985 (with V. Il'in and V. Sadovnichii, in Russian).
  20. Survey of the parallel computing, Publ. BAS, Sofia, 1985 (with A. Andreev and others, in Bulgarian).
  21. Inlormation and Knowledge, in: Formal models in Programming, North- Holaind, IFIP, 1985, 97-101.
  22. 115 rocznica powstania Bulgarskiej Akademii Nauk, Nauka Polska. (1985), n. 1-2, 153-i58.
  23. Use of computers in education, Problems of theory and practice of manegement, Moscow, (1985). n. 4, 57-60 (in Russian).
  24. Problems of the computer education -- the second wave, Sp. Math. education, 10, (1985), n. 1, 2-7 (in Bulgarian).
  25. Children in the information age, Sp. Math. education, 10, (1985), n. 3, 3-5 (in Bulgarian).
  26. Information und Wissen, in: Heinz Zemanek - Ein Computerpionier, R. Oldenbourg Wien M\"unchen, 1985, 91-93.
  27. On a theorem of H. Whitney, Dokl. AN SSSR 291 (1986), n. 6, 1296-1300 (in Russian).
  28. The Theorem of Whitney for Integral Norm, C. r. Acad. Bulgare Sci., 39, (1986), n. 10, 35-38.
  29. Children in an Information Age, Tomorrow's Problems Today, in: Children in an Information Age. Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1986, 195-200.
  30. Informatics and computation technic, Sp. BAS, Sofia, 32, (1986) n. 1, 12-16 (in Bulgarian).
  31. The computer is man made and has to be his servant, Sp. Plamak, Sofia, (1986), n. 1, 7-12 (in Bulgarian).
  32. Une education adaptee a l'ere de l'information, Impact: science et societe, (1986), n. 146, 203-212.
  33. On a Theorem of H. Whitney, Soviet Math. Dokl., 34, (1987), n. 3, 603-606.
  34. A Modified Steclov Function, Amer. Math. Soc. Transl., 137, (1987), n. 2, 57-59.
  35. On the Theorem and Constants of H. Whitney, Constr. Approx., 3 (1987), 1-11.
  36. On a Theorem of Ju. Brudnyi, Math. Balkanica, 1, (1987), 106-111.
  37. Mathematical analysis 2, Publ. Moscow University, Moscow, 1987 (with V. ll'in and V. Sadovnichii, in Russian).
  38. The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, Introducing Research Results into Practice, Publ. BAS, Sofia, (1987), 26-30.
  39. Implementation of the research results of the Academy institutes in the People's Republic of Bulgaria, Introducing Research Results into Practice Publ. BAS, Sofia, (1987). 63-68 (with J. Ivanov).
  40. Art, science and education, Acad. of art "Apolonia", Sozopol, 1987, 85-96 (in Bulgarian).
  41. School mathematics in the information age, in: Informatics and the teaching of mathematics, North-Holland, IFIP, 1987, 1-4.
  42. Oncogenes and Genetic Networks, Ber. Nat.-Med. Ver. Salzburg 9, (1988), 183-184 (with R. Tzanev).
  43. Averaged moduli of smoothness, Publ. "Mir", Moskow, 1988 (with V. Popov, in Russian).
  44. The Averaged Moduli of Smoothnes, John Wiley & Sons, New York 1988, (with V. Popov).
  45. Children in an Information Age, Education \& Computing, 4, (1988), 21-26..
  46. High School Mathematics Education and Training of Mathematics Teachers in Bulgaria, in: ICME-6, Budapest, Hungary, 1988 (with T. Vitanov and others).
  47. For the rearrengement of the spiritual sphere, Sp. BAS, Sofia, 34, (1988), n. 6, 6-9 (in Bulgarian).
  48. Informatics and education, in: 5th Seminar, Problems of informatics and its appliccation in management of education and research, Sofia Univ., Sofia, 1988, 7-15 (in Bulgarian).
  49. Informatics for peace, Peace is a human value, Publ. BAS, Sofia, 1988 (in Bulgarian).
  50. Sofia university "Kliment Ohridski" and the Bulgarian science, Sp. BAS, Sofia 36 n. 6, (1988), 22-26 (in Bulgarian).
  51. Approximation with least derivative, C. r. Acad. Bulgare Sci., 42, (1998), n. 1, 27-30 (in Russian).
  52. Approximation splines, Math. Balkanica, (1989), n. 1, 106-121.
  53. Fractals, Chaos and Approximation, in: Information Processing '89, IF1P, No rlli- Holland, 1989, 589-590.
  54. Neighborhood graphs on the plane, Fiz.-math, sp., Sofia, 4, (1989) n. 3-4, 281 - 300 (in Bulgarian).
  55. Mathematical analysis 2, Publ. "Nauka i Izkustvo", Sofia, 1989 (with V. Il'in and V. Sadovnichii, in Bulgarian).
  56. Information as a Science and as a Tool, in: ICSU Report of 26th Meeting oj the General Comm. Lisbon, Portugal, 11-14 Oct. 1989 and Scientific Lectures, 1989, 318-325.
  57. A Broad View of Informatics, Higher Education Policy, 2, (1989), n. 4, 73-76.
  58. The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences -- Center of Research and Innovation, Bulgarian Foreign Trade, (1989), n. 3, 18-19.
  59. Marin Drinov (1838-1906) -- the first President of BAS, Sp. BAS, Sofia, 35, (1989). n. 1, 5-10 (in Bulgarian).
  60. Vassil D. Stojanov -- principal manager of the Bulgarian Literary Society, Sp. BAS, Sofia. 35, (1989), n. 5, 5-10 (in Bulgarian).
  61. Bulgarian Academy of Sciences -- 120 years of tradition and innovation, Sp. BAS. Sofia, 35, (1989), n. 6, 3-9 (in Bulgarian).
  62. Mathematical models of some termophisical processes and devises for molding and crystallization of steel, in: Technology of metals, Conf. High alloy nitrogen steel '89, BAS, Sofia. 1989, 12-18 ( with R. Lazarov and C. Rashev, in Russian).
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