logo_IMI 113th European Study Group with Industry

September 14 - 18, 2015, Sofia, Bulgaria

What is SGI
SGI format
For Companies
For Academics
Important dates

SGI format

The week-long workshop attracts researchers and engineers from a wide range of backgrounds to work on the selected industrial problems.

On the first day the industrial representatives outline their projects and their objectives.

The next three days are devoted to brainstorming, modelling and solving the problems closely guided by the industrial representatives. Participants are free to apply their expertise to any of the projects.

On the last day the progress and the recommended routes forward are presented. Subsequently, a report containing the results, comments, ideas and suggestions on each problem is written to provide a formal record for both the industrial and the academic participants. The reports of the working groups are assembled in a booklet to form the Study Group Final Report.

Information about the problem area and industrial companies at the previous study groups is available here.