13th International Conference on

"Large-Scale Scientific Computations"

June 7 - 11, 2021, Sozopol, Bulgaria


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June 7, Monday

09:00 – 10:15 Plenary Session

09:00 - 09:30 Opening

Chairperson S. Margenov

09:30 - 10:15 M. Ohlberger, Model Reduction for Large Scale Systems

Coffee Break

10:45 – 12:15 Plenary Session

Chairperson R. Lazarov

10:45 - 11:30 Y. Vassilevski, M. Olshanskii, A. Lozovskiy, A. Danilov, Numerical Schemes for Simulation of Incompressible Flows in Time-Dependent Domains

11:30 - 12:15 O. Iliev, T. Prill, P. Toktaliev, On Pore Scale Simulation of Reactive Flows in Porous Media

Lunch Break

14:00 - 15:40 Parallel Sessions

Lecture Hall A

Special Session "Optimal Control of ODEs, PDEs and Applications"

Chairperson M. Palladino

14:00 – 14:25 U. Langer, O. Steinbach, F. Tröltzsch, H. Yang, Adaptive Space-Time Finite Element Solvers for Parabolic Optimal Control Problems

14:25 - 14:50 S. Cacace, A. Lai, P. Loreti, Modeling and Optimal Control of an Octopus-like Soft Manipulator

14:50 - 15:15 F. A. Boussouira, P. Cannarsa, C. Urbani, Bilinear Control of Parabolic Evolution Equations

15:15 – 15:40 N. Jork, Applications of Strong Regularity to Optimal Control of Parabolic Partial Differential Equations

Lecture Hall B

Special Session "HPC and Big Data: Algorithms and Applications"

Chairperson A. Karaivanova

14:00 – 14:25 O. Iliev, N. Shegunov, P. Armyanov, A. Semerdzhiev I. Christov, On to Parallel MLMC for Stationary Single Phase Flow Problem

14:25 - 14:50 E. Atanassov, D. Georgiev, T. Gurov, On the Use of Low-discrepancy Sequences in the Training of Neural Networks

14:50 - 15:15 S.-M. Gurova, A. Karaivanova, Monte Carlo Method for Estimating Eigenvalues Using Error Balancing

15:15 – 15:40 T. Tashev, A. Alexandrov, D. Arnaudov, R. Tasheva, Large-Scale Computer Simulation of the Performance of the Generalized Nets Model of the LPF-algorithm

Lecture Hall C

Special Session "Robust Iterative Solution Methods for Coupled Problems in Poromechanics"

Chairperson J. Kraus

14:00 – 14:25 M. Schaaphok, G. Egberts, F. Vermolen, Neural Networks Applied to a Morphoelastic Model for Skin Contraction

14:50 - 15:15 A. Borio, F. Hamon, N. Castelletto, J. White, R. Settgast, Hybrid Mimetic Finite-Difference and Virtual Element Formulation for Coupled Poromechanics

15:15 – 15:40 M. Lymbery, Simulation of Fluid Transport in the Human Brain: a Comparison of Discretizations and Solvers

Coffee Break

16:10 - 18:15 Parallel Sessions

Lecture Hall A

Special Session "Optimal Control of ODEs, PDEs and Applications"

Chairperson T. Scarinci

16:10 – 16:35 M. Zanon, S. Gros, Reinforcement Learning with Guarantees

16:35 – 17:00 E. Calzola, E. Carlini, X. Dupuis, F. Silva, Approximation of Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman Equations with Neumann Boundary Conditions

17:00 – 17:25 A. Pacifico, A. Pesare, M. Falcone, A New Algorithm for the LQR Problem with Partially Unknown Dynamics

17:25 – 17:50 A. Pesare, M. Palladino, M. Falcone, Convergence of the Value Function in Optimal Control Problems with Uncertain Dynamics

17:50 – 18:15 G. Angelov, R. Kovacevic, N. Stilianakis, V. Veliov, A Distributed Epidemiological Model with Vaccination Applied to COVID-19 Pandemic

Lecture Hall B

Special Session "Machine Learning and Model Order Reduction for Large Scale Predictive Simulations"

Chairperson M. Ohlberger

16:10 – 16:35 P. Gavrilenko, B. Haasdonk, O. Iliev, M. Ohlberger, F. Schindler, P. Toktaliev, T. Wenzel, M. Youssef, A Full Order, Reduced Order and Machine Learning Model Pipeline for Efficient Prediction of Reactive Flows

16:35 - 17:00 K. Urban, M. Youssef, Neural Network-based Model Order Reduction for Solving Parametrized Nonlinear Reaction–diffusion Systems

17:00 - 17:25 G. Kutyniok, The Universality of Deep Neural Networks: An Expressivity Analysis

17:25 - 17:50 P. Vassilevski, On the Interplay between Coarsening in AMG and Data Clustering in Graphs

17:50 - 18:15 P. Benner, P. Goyal, I. Duff, A Deep Learning Approach to Operator Inference

Lecture Hall C

Special Session "Robust Iterative Solution Methods for Coupled Problems in Poromechanics"

Chairperson M. Lymbery

16:10 – 16:35 M. Wheeler, X. Lu, V. Girault, A Posteriori Error Estimates for Biot Systems Using Fixed-Stress Splitting

16:35 – 17:00 I. Yotov, Domain Decomposition and Partitioning Methods for Mixed Finite Element Discretizations of the Biot System of Poroelasticity

17:00 – 17:25 K.-A. Mardal, W. Boon, M. Kuchta, R. Ruiz-Baier, Robust Preconditioners for Perturbed Saddle-point Problems and Conservative Discretizations of Biot's Equations Utilizing Total Pressure

17:25 – 17:50 J. Lee, On Parameter-robust Finite Element Methods for Multiple-network Poroelasticity Problems

17:50 – 18:15 J. Kraus, A New Framework for the Stability Analysis of Perturbed Saddle-point Problems and Applications in Poromechanics


June 8, Tuesday

09:00 - 10:15 Parallel Sessions

Lecture Hall A

Special Session "Optimal Control of ODEs, PDEs and Applications"

Chairperson V. Veliov

09:25 – 09:50 A. Corella, Model Predictive Control for Affine Problems

09:50 – 10:15 M. Krastanov, R. Rozenov, B. Stefanov, Bounded Linear-Quadratic Optimal Control Problem in the Presence of Disturbances

Lecture Hall B

Special Session "Machine Learning and Model Order Reduction for Large Scale Predictive Simulations"

Chairperson O. Iliev

09:00 - 09:25 S. Shuva, O. Röhrle, B. Haasdonk, Reduced Basis Methods for Efficient Simulation of a Rigid Robot Hand Interacting with Soft Tissue

09:25 - 09:50 A. Katrutsa, I. Oseledets, Optimizing Numerical Methods Using Machine Learning

09:50 - 10:15 C. Meiser, T. Schuster, A. Wald, Data Driven Enhanced Methods For Terahertz Tomography

Lecture Hall C

Special Session "Application of Metaheuristics to Large-Scale Problems"

Chairperson S. Fidanova

09:00 - 09:25 S. Fidanova, O. Roeva, Influence of the ACO Evaporation Parameter for Unstructured Workforce Planning Problem

09:25 - 09:50 P. Zhivkov, A. Simidchiev, Quantitative Relationship Between High Concentrations of Particulate Matter and Morbidity

09:50 - 10:15 A. Bădică, C. Bădică, I. Buligiu, L. Ciora, D. Logofătu, Optimal Knock-Out Tournaments: Definition and Computation

Coffee Break

10:45 - 12:00 Parallel Sessions

Lecture Hall A

Special Session "Optimal Control of ODEs, PDEs and Applications"

Chairperson M. Krastanov

10:45 - 11:10 G. Colombo, N. Khalil, F. Rampazzo, State Constrained Control Problems and Second Order Inward Pointing Conditions

11:10 – 11:35 G. Fusco, M. Motta, Nondegenerate Abnormality, Controllability, and Gap Phenomena in Optimal Control with State Constraints

11:35 – 12:00 M. Krastanov, M. Nikolova, On the Small-Time Local Controllability

Lecture Hall B

Special Session "Machine Learning and Model Order Reduction for Large Scale Predictive Simulations"

Chairperson O. Iliev

10:45 - 11:10 D. Fokina, O. Iliev, I. Oseledets, Deep Neural Networks and Adaptive Quadrature for Solving > Variational Problems

11:10 - 11:35 T. Wenzel, G. Santin, M. Kurz, A. Beck, B. Haasdonk, Structured Deep Kernel Networks for Data-Driven Modeling of Turbulent Flows

11:35 - 12:00 N. Magino, H. Andrä, F. Welschinger, R. Müller, M. Schneider, A Multiscale Approach to Fatigue-Damage Modeling In Short-Fiber Reinforced Plastics

Lecture Hall C

Special Session "Application of Metaheuristics to Large-Scale Problems"

Chairperson S. Fidanova

10:45 - 11:10 A. Alihodzic, M. Chahin, New Clustering Techniques of Node Embeddings Based on Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithm

11:10 - 11:35 A. Alihodzic, E. Zvornicanin, A Comparison of Machine Learning Methods for Forecasting Dow Jones Stock Index

11:35 - 12:00 K. Penev, Synergy between Convergence and Divergence – Review of Concepts and Methods

Lunch Break

14:00 - 15:40 Parallel Sessions

Lecture Hall A

Special Session "Optimal Control of ODEs, PDEs and Applications"

Chairperson G. Colombo

14:00 – 14:25 A. Marigonda, Random Lift of Set-Valued Maps and Applications

14:25 – 14:50 G. Cavagnari, Evolution Equations in Wasserstein Spaces Ruled by Probability Vector Fields

14:50 – 15:15 A. Lai, M. Motta, Stabilizability in Optimization Problems

Lecture Hall B

Special Session "Advanced Discretizations and Solvers for Coupled Systems of Partial Differential Equations"

Chairperson L. Zikatanov

14:00 – 14:25 P. Vabishchevich, Decoupling Methods for Systems of Parabolic Equations

14:25 – 14:50 S.-Y. Yi, S. Lee, L. Zikatanov, Locking Free and Locally Conservative Enriched Galerkin Methods for Poroelasticity

14:50 – 15:15 A. Budisa, X. Hu, M. Kuchta, K.-A. Mardal, L. Zikatanov, Interface Preconditioners for Multiphysics Problems

Lecture Hall C

Contributed Talks

Chairperson M. Koleva

14:00 – 14:25 H. Gfrerer, J. Outrata, J. Valdman, The Semismooth Newton Method for the Solution of Contact Problems with Tresca Friction

14:25 – 14:50 C. Matonoha, A. Moskovka, J. Valdman, Minimization of Energy Functionals via the Finite Element Method in MATLAB

Coffee Break

16:10 - 18:40 Parallel Sessions

Lecture Hall A

Special Session "Robust Iterative Solution Methods for Coupled Problems in Poromechanics"

Chairperson J. Kraus

16:10 – 16:35 F. Radu, Efficient solvers for Poromechanics

16:35 – 17:00 J. Both, J. Nordbotten, F. A. Radu, J. M. Sargado, E. Storvik, An Accelerated Staggered Scheme for Phase-field Models of Hydraulic Fracture in Poroelastic Media

17:00 – 17:25 Y. Li, L. Zikatanov, Space-Time Error Indicator for Biot's Consolidation Model

17:25 – 17:50 J. Adler, Monolithic Multigrid for a Reduced-Quadrature Discretization of Poroelasticity

17:50 – 18:15 J. Brannick, Bootstrap AMG

Lecture Hall B

Special Session "Advanced Discretizations and Solvers for Coupled Systems of Partial Differential Equations"

Chairperson J. Adler

16:10 – 16:35 J. Adler, C. Cavanaugh, X. Hu, L. Zikatanov, A Finite-element Framework for a Mimetic Finite-difference Discretization of Maxwell’s Equations

16:35 – 17:00 X. Hu, K. Wu, L. Zikatanov, A Posteriori Error Estimates for Solving Graph Laplacians

17:00 – 17:25 A. de la Riva, F. Gaspar, C. Rodrigo, Isogeometric Analysis for Poroelasticity

17:25 – 17:50 J.-L. Guermond, B. Popov, B. Clayton, Invariant Domain Preserving Approximations for the Euler Equations with a Tabulated Equation of State

Lecture Hall C

Special Session "Tensor and Matrix Factorization for Big-Data Analysis"

Chairperson B. Alexandrov

16:10 – 16:35 V. Stanev, B. Aleksandrov, Nonnegative Matrix and Tensor Factorizations in the Analysis of Scientific Text Documents

16:35 – 17:00 G. Manzini, A Nonnegative Tensor-train Based Method for the Smoluchowski Coagulation Equation

17:00 – 17:25 P. Georgiev, Tensor Networks of Sparse Non-Negative Tensors

17:25 – 17:50 M. Ishteva, P. Dreesen, Solving Systems of Polynomial Equations a Tensor Approach

17:50 – 18:15 E. Pelofske, G. Hahn, D. O'Malley, H. Djidjev, B. Alexandrov, Boolean Hierarchical Tucker Networks on Quantum Annealers

18:15 – 18:40 E. Robeva, Exact and Efficient Structured Tensor Decomposition

June 9, Wednesday

09:00 - 10:15 Parallel Sessions

Lecture Hall A

Special Session "Robust Iterative Solution Methods for Coupled Problems in Poromechanics"

Chairperson J. Kraus

09:00 - 09:25 M. Ferronato, M. Frigo, N. Castelletto, J. White, Scalable Solvers for Hybridized Coupled Poromechanics

09:25 – 09:50 K. Osthues, A New Family of Hybridized Discontinuous Galerkin/hybrid Mixed Discretizations for Multiple Network Poroelasticity

09:50 – 10:15 J. Kraus, M. Lymbery, F. Philo, On the Stability of Time-discrete Systems Arising from Second-order Implicit Time-stepping Schemes Applied to Dynamic Multiple Network Poroelasticity Models

Lecture Hall B

Special Session "Large-Scale Models: Numerical Methods, Parallel Computations and Applications"

Chairperson K. Georgiev

09:00 - 09:25 O. Axelsson, D. Lukas, M. Neytcheva, An Exact and Approximate Schur Complement Method for Time-harmonic Optimal Control Problems

09:25 – 09:50 Z. Zlatev, I. Dimov, I. Faragó, K. Georgiev, Á. Havasi, Running Atmospheric Chemistry Module of a Large Air Pollution Model by Using Advanced Versions of the Richardson Extrapolation

09:50 – 10:15 P. D’Ambra, F. Durastante, S. Filippone, Scalable Preconditioners for Computational Science at Extreme Scale

Coffee Break

Lecture Hall A

Contributed Talks

Chairperson I. Lirkov

10:45 – 11:10 S. Georgiev, L. Vulkov, Recovering the Time-Dependent Volatility in Jump-Diffusion Models from Pointwise and Nonlocal Price Observations

11:10 – 11:35 K. Jain, Extreme Scale Computations of Transitional Regime in Physiologic Flows

11:35 – 12:00 M. Koleva, L. Vulkov, Fitted Finite Volume Method for an Unsaturated Flow Problem with Space Degeneration

Lecture Hall B

Special Session "Large-Scale Models: Numerical Methods, Parallel Computations and Applications"

Chairperson M. Neytcheva

10:45 – 11:10 T. Bayleyegn, I. Farago, Á. Havasi, On the Consistency Order of Runge–Kutta Methods Combined with Active Richardson Extrapolation

11:10 – 11:35 S. Korotov, On Red Refinements of Tetrahedral Meshes

Lunch Break


June 10, Thursday

09:00 - 10:15 Parallel Sessions

Lecture Hall A

Contributed Talks

Chairperson T. Ostromski

09:00 – 09:25 F. Benkhaldoun, A. Bradji, T. Ghoudi, A Finite Volume Scheme for a Wave Equation with Several Time Independent Delays

09:25 – 09:50 P. Popov, V. Iliev, G. Fitnev, Quality Optimization of Seismic-derived Surface Meshes of Geological Bodies

09:50 – 10:15 F. Benkhaldoun, A. Bradji, A New Error Estimate for a Primal-Dual Crank Nicolson Mixed Finite Element Using Lowest Degree Raviart Thomas Spaces for Parabolic Equations

Lecture Hall B

Special Session "Large-Scale Models: Numerical Methods, Parallel Computations and Applications"

Chairperson N. Ilieva

09:00 - 09:25 I. Katzarov, N. Ilieva, L. Drenchev, Quantum Effects on 1/2[111] Edge Dislocation Motion in Hydrogen-Charged Fe from Ring-Polymer Molecular Dynamics

09:25 – 09:50 P. Petkov, M. Rangelov, N. Iieva, N. Todorova, E. Lilkova, L. Litov, Computational Study of IL-6 Inhibition by Low-Molecular-Weight Heparin

09:50 – 10:15 N. Ilieva, P. Petkov, E. Lilkova, L. Litov, Computational Study of Helix Aspersa Mucus Peptides in Complex with a Model Bacterial Membrane

Lecture Hall C

Special Session "Fractional Diffusion Problems: Numerical Methods, Algorithms and Applications"

Chairperson P. Vabishchevich

09:00 – 09:25 S. Harizanov, N. Kosturski, I. Lirkov, S. Margenov, Y. Vutov, Reduced Sum Implementation of the BURA Method for Spectral Fractional Diffusion Problems

09:25 – 09:50 S. Harizanov, N. Kosturski, I. Lirkov, S. Margenov, Y. Vutov, BURA-based Fractional in Space Diffusion-reaction Approximation Error Analysis

09:50 – 10:15 B. Duan, R. Lazarov, J. Pasciak, Robust and Fast Solution of Discrete Equations Involving Fractional Powers of Elliptic Operators

Coffee Break

10:45 - 12:00 Parallel Sessions

Lecture Hall A

Special Session "Optimal Control of ODEs, PDEs and Applications"

Chairperson A. Marigonda

10:45 - 11:10 S. Apostolov, M. Bivas, N. Ribarska, Intrinsic Transversality and Tangential Transversality

11:10 – 11:35 V. Lykina, On Pontryagin Type Maximum Principle for Budget-constrained Infinite Horizon Optimal Control Problems

11:35 – 12:00 G. Fusco, Robust Feedback Stabilization by Means of Lyapunov-Like Functions Determined by Lie Brackets

Lecture Hall B

Special Session "Large-Scale Models: Numerical Methods, Parallel Computations and Applications"

Chairperson M. Neytcheva

10:45 - 11:10 A. Penenko, V. Penenko, E. Tsvetova, A. Gochakov, E. Pyanova, V. Konopleva, Sensitivity Operator-Based Approach to Heterogeneous Air Quality Monitoring Data Analysis

11:10 – 11:35 V. Ivanov, G. Gadzhev, Behaviour and Scalability of the Hydrostatic and Non-hydrostatic Cores of RegCM Multiscale Simulations on High Performance Computing Platforms

11:35 – 12:00 V. Spiridonov, H. Chervenkov, Using the Cauchy Criterion and the Standard Deviation to Evaluate the Sustainability of Climate Simulations

12:00 – 12:25 I. Georgieva, G. Gadzhev, Study the Recurrence of the Dominant Pollutants in the Formation of AQI Status over the City of Sofia for the Period 2013-2020

Lecture Hall C

Special Session "Fractional Diffusion Problems: Numerical Methods, Algorithms and Applications"

Chairperson R. Lazarov

10:45 – 11:10 D. Prodanov, First Order Reaction-diffusion System with Space-fractional Diffusion

11:10 – 11:35 T. Danczul, C. Hofreither, On Rational Krylov and Reduced Basis Methods for Fractional Diffusion

11:35 – 12:00 P. Vabishchevich, Numerical Solution of Non-Stationary Problems with a Rational Approximation for Fractional Powers of the Operator

Lunch Break

14:00 - 15:40 Parallel Sessions

Lecture Hall A

Special Session "Optimal Control of ODEs, PDEs and Applications"

Chairperson V. Lykina

14:25 - 14:50 D. Ghilli, Mean Field Games Models Arising in Geographical Economic

14:50 - 15:15 P. Cannarsa, R. Capuani, P. Cardaliaguet, Mean Field Games with State Constraints

15:15 - 15:40 Y. Averboukh, Value Function and Stability Property in the First-order Mean Field Type Differential Games

Lecture Hall B

Special Session "HPC and Big Data: Algorithms and Applications"

Chairperson T. Gurov

14:00 - 14:25 D. Palejev, Numerical Parameter Estimates of Beta-uniform Mixture Models

14:25 - 14:50 D. Grigorova, D. Tonchev, D. Palejev, Comparison of Different Methods for Multiple Imputation by Chain Equation

14:50 - 15:15 V. Bejanyan, H. Astsatryan, A PGAS-Based Implementation for the Parallel Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithm

15:15 - 15:40 A. Iliev, A. Mote, A. Manoharan, Multi-Lingual Emotion Classification using Convolutional Neural Networks

Lecture Hall C

Special Session "Fractional Diffusion Problems: Numerical Methods, Algorithms and Applications"

Chairperson S. Harizanov

14:00 – 14:25 D. Slavchev, S. Margenov, Hierarchical Compression Solver for Parabolic Problems with Space-fractional Diffusion

14:25 – 14:50 S. Apostolov, Y. Dimitrov, V. Todorov, Constructions of Second-Order Approximations of the Caputo Derivative

14:50 – 15:15 S. Georgiev, L. Vulkov, Parameter Identification Algorithm for a Fractional Dynamics Model of Honeybee Loss

Coffee Break

16:10 - 18:00 Plenary Session

Chairperson O. Iliev

16:10 - 16:55 Y. Efendiev, Multiscale Modeling: Modeling Subgrid Effects and Temporal Splitting

16:55 - 17:40 X. Hu, Graph Laplacians: Algorithms and Applications

17:40 – 18:00 Plenary closing & best paper awards ceremony

June 11, Friday

09:30 - 11:10 Parallel Sessions

Special Session "Application of Metaheuristics to Large-Scale Problems"

Chairperson S. Tranev

09:30 - 09:55 V. Traneva, S. Tranev, Intuitionistic Fuzzy Approach for Outsourcing Provider Selection in a Refinery

09:55 – 10:20 V. Todorov, I. Dimov, R. Georgieva , S. Apostolov, S. Poryazov, Advanced Stochastic Approaches Based on Optimization of Lattice Sequences for Large-Scale Finance Problems

10:20 – 10:45 A. Mucherino, binMeta: a New Java Package for Meta-heuristic Searches

10:45 – 11:10 N. Dobrinkova, E. Katsaros, I. Gkotsis, Risk Registry Platform for Optimizations in Cases of CBRN and Critical Infrastructure Attacks

Lecture Hall B

Special Session "Large-Scale Models: Numerical Methods, Parallel Computations and Applications"

Chairperson K. Georgiev

09:30 - 09:55 T. Ostromsky, V. Todorov, I. Dimov, R. Georgieva, Z. Zlatev, Sensivitity Study of Large-Scale Air Pollution Model Based on Modifications of the Latin Hypercube Sampling Method

09:55 – 10:20 V. Todorov, T. Ostromsky, I. Dimov, R. Georgieva, Z. Zlatev, Multidimensional Sensivitity Analysis for AIr Pollution Model Based on Modifications of the Van der Corput Sequence

10:20 – 10:45 K. Liolios, G. Skodras, K. Georgiev, I. Georgiev, Effluent Recirculation for Contaminant Removal in Constructed Wetlands under Uncertainty: A Stochastic Numerical Approach Based on Monte Carlo Methodology

10:45 – 11:10 A. Alexandrov, R. Andreev, T. Tashev, Large-Scale Simulation Modeling For River Floods Forecasting

Lunch Break