
Affiliation and Official Address

- PhD in Computer Science, 1997, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences,
Sofia, Bulgaria
- MS in Computational Mathematics (with distinction), 1978,
University of Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria

- Institute for Parallel Processing, Bulgarian Academy of Science:
Assistant Professor, 1989-2001
Associate Professor, 2001- Present
- Florida State University, USA, 2001-2003, Visiting researcher

of Research
- Monte Carlo Methods and Applications
- Low Discrepancy Sequences and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods
- Parallel Algorithms and Grid Applications
- Computational Linear Algebra

- 1998 – First Award of the Bulgarian Ministry of Education and
Sciences for Computer Science research
- 1999 - NATO-NSF First Award in Computational Mathematics for 12
months postdoctoral research (spent at Florida State University with
Prof. M. Mascagni, 1999-2000)

Florida State University, USA
(2001-2003, 27 months), University
Reading, UK (2002, 3 weeks), Florida State University (1999-2000, 12
months), University of Salzburg, Austria (1999, 2 weeks), University of
Liverpool, UK (1999, 1998, 4 months), IRISA, Rennes, France (1996, 1
month), IMAG, Grenoble, France (1995, 1 month), RWTH, Aachen, Germany
(1994, 1993, 2 months)

2009 Stochastic
Numerical Methods and Simulations, Master course, Sofia University,
FMI, Bulgaria
2009 Monte Carlo Methods, Master course, NBU, Sofia, Bulgaria

- South East European Research Area for
eInfrastructures (SEERA-EI ), 2009-2012,
coordinated by GRNET, Athens, Greece;
- Enabling Grids for E-Science in Europe
– III (EGEE-III), INFSO-RI-222667, 2008-2010, coordinated by CERN, Geneva;
- SEE-GRID eInfrastructure for
Regional Science (SEE-GRID-SCI), RI-211338, 2008-2010, coordinated
by GRNET, Greece;
- EGEE-II, Contract number
INFSO-RI-031688, 2006-2008, Project coordinator: Dr. R. Jones, CERN, Geneva
(NA2 Activity coordinator for SEE federation – Dr. A. Karaivanova)
- SEE-GRID2, Contract number 031775,
2006-2008, Project coordinator: Dr. Ognjen Prnjat, GRNET, Greece
(WP4 representatives for IPP-BAS – Dr. Aneta Karaivanova)
- Enabling Grids for E-Science in Europe
(EGEE), IST-2003-508833, 2004-2006, Project coordinator: Dr. R. Jones (Dr.
Fabricio Gagliardi), CERN, Geneva
(NA2 Activity Leader for Bulgaria:
Dr. A. Karaivanova)
- South Eastern European Grid-Enabled
eInfrastructure Development (SEE-GRID), RI-2002-002356, 2004-2006,
Project leader: Dr. Nikos Vogiatzis, GRNET, Greece.
- Estia-Net, Opening Up Applied
Sciences to Successful Women Careers, 110068-CP-1-2003-1-GR-ERASMUS-TN,
2004-2006, Project coordinator (IPP): Dr. A. Karaivanova
- Integrated
Scientific Structures -
Ways to better Quality Higher
Education, TEMPUS Phare Compact Measures Project: CME 003090-97,
1998-1999, Coordinator: Prof. K. Vesselinov, TU-Sofia, Bulgaria.
- Study
of Stability of Physical
Systems Using Parallel Computers
(STABLE), EU COPERNICUS Project CP 960237, 1997-1998, Coordinator:
Prof. Bernard Philippe, IRISA-Rennes, France.
- Parallel
computation of spectral
portraits of matrices and
application to system stability analysis (PORTRAIT), EU
Project CP 094682, 1995-1996, Coordinator: Prof. Bernard Philippe,
IRISA-Rennes, France.
- Advanced Quasi-Monte
Carlo Grid Computing –
Framework, Libraries, Pilot Grid Applications, Contract No. DO02-146, 2009-2011, Project leader: A. Karaivanova
- Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods for
Markov Chain Based Problems, Contract No.
I-1405, 2004-2008, Project
leader: A. Karaivanova

Conferences co-organized
- 2008, Member of the Program Committee
of MCQMC 2008 (Montreal, Canada), PMAA 2008 (Neuchatel, Switzerland),
GVS-Mipro 2008 (Opatija, Croatia)
- 2007, 3rd
Workshop on Large Scale Computations on Grids, Gdansk, Poland,
Member of the Program Committee
- 2007, LSSC 2007,
Organizer of the Workshop on Computational Grid and Large-Scale
Problems (with Prof. T. Gurov and Prof. K. Skala)
- 2006, 5th
Int. conf. on NMA, Borovets, Bulgaria, Member of the Program Committee
and Organizer of a special session on Monte Carlo and quasi-Monte Carlo
for diverse applications
- 2004, ICCS2004,
Krakow, Poland, Organizer of the Workshop on
Parallel Monte Carlo Algorithms for Diverse Applications in a
Distributed Setting (with Prof. V. Alexandrov, University of Reading)
- 2003, 4th
IMACS Seminar on Monte Carlo Methods,
Berlin, Germany,
Organizer of the Special Session on Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods and
Markov Chains (with Prof. M. Mascagni, FSU)
- 2003, 4th
International Conference on LSSC, Sozopol, Bulgaria,
Organizer of the Special Session on MCQMCMs (with Prof. H. Kosina,
University of Vienna)
- 2002, 5th International Conference on NMA, Borovets,
Member of the
Program Committee, and Organizer of the Minisymposium on MCQMCMs (with
Dr. T. Gurov, CLPP-BAS)
- 2001, 3rd
International Conference on LSSC, Sozopol, Bulgaria,
Organizer of the
Special Session on Monte Carlo Methods (with Prof. St. Heinrich,
University of Kaiserslautern)
- 1999, 2nd IMACS Seminar on Monte Carlo Methods, member
of the
Organizing Committee
selected publications
Grid Support Center